Referencing Data Files in the Repository

You can also include data files (such as XLS, TXT, and CSV) in a repository. In the Snippets Repository, the import folder contains three data files: auto.xls, delimiter.txt, and sample.csv.
Contents of import Folder in the Snippets Repository
Here is the content of the file:
filename url url "{baseURL}/auto.xls";
filename xls temp;

data _null_; 
   infile url recfm=f lrecl=1; 
   file xls recfm=f lrecl=1; 
   input x $char1.; put x $char1.; 

proc import out = WORK.auto1 datafile=xls
   dbms=xls replace;

proc print;
This code assumes that the SAS server can access URLs where the repository resides by leveraging the power of the FILENAME Statement, URL Access Method. The SAS code is saved in the same location as the external file. You can reference this data from your SAS code by using {baseURL}, which resolves the repository URL when accessed.
For more information about the FILENAME statement, URL Access Method, see SAS Statements: Reference.