About the Stack/Split Columns Task

The Stack/Split Columns task enables you to either stack or split columns.
  • When stacking columns, the output data set is created by restructuring the selected columns in the input data set so that these columns are transposed into observations. You can use the output data set to analyze values across multiple columns of the input data set. If you group the observations, the selected columns are divided into subgroups that are based on the unique combinations of the grouping values. Each subgroup forms a row of the output data set.
    This functionality is useful when you have a data set in which each observation contains the same type of data in multiple columns and you want to analyze the data across several columns. For example, you could transpose columns that contain monthly temperature readings for various locations across a geographic region. The output data set would contain the monthly temperature readings by location in a single column.
  • When splitting columns, the output data set is created by splitting the unique combination of values of the selected columns. You can use the output data set to individually analyze the columns that contain multiple rows of the input data set.
    This functionality is useful when you have a data set in which one column contains multiple observations for different subgroups and you want to split the subgroup measures into separate columns. For example, you could transpose a column that contains the monthly temperature readings for various locations across a geographic region. The output data set would contain the monthly temperature readings for each location in a column for each month.