Setting the Options

Option Name
Estimation method
specifies the estimation method for the covariance parameters. You can choose from these methods:
  • Restricted maximum likelihood, which is the default
  • Maximum likelihood
  • Minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimation
  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • Type 3
Confidence level
specifies the level to use for the construction of confidence intervals.
Maximum number of iterations
specifies the maximum number of iterations. The default is 50.
Method to compute denominator degrees of freedom
specifies the method for computing the denominator degrees of freedom for the tests of fixed effects.
You can choose to include the default statistics in the results or choose to include additional statistics from these categories: Tests, Influence Statistics, Parameter Estimates, and Multiple Comparisons. The options available depend on the effects that you added to the Model tab.
Select the plots to include in the output. You can choose from these types of plots:
  • residuals
  • studentized residuals
  • Pearson residuals
  • Press residuals
  • influence statistics