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Overview of SAS/Warehouse Administrator

Starting SAS/Warehouse Administrator

After SAS/Warehouse Administrator has been installed, you can start it by running SAS, typing dw on the SAS command line, and pressing the RETURN. SAS/Warehouse Administrator will open the default desktop.

Desktop for SAS/Warehouse Administrator

[Desktop for SAS/Warehouse Administrator]

The default desktop includes folders for Data Utilities and Exploitation Tools. The Data Utilities folder contains SAS utilities that are used to view, print, or query the contents of warehouse tables. The Exploitation Tools folder contains SAS applications that are used to exploit a data warehouse after it is built. The applications that appear in this folder will vary from site to site.

If any Warehouse Environments have been defined for your site, their icons will appear on the desktop. The Toy Store Env icon in Desktop for SAS/Warehouse Administrator represents the main example Environment described in this document.

If no Environments appear on your desktop, you must add one before you can work with SAS/Warehouse Administrator. You could start by adding the example Environment that was installed with SAS/Warehouse Administrator (the Marketing Warehouse Environment). For details, see Adding the Example Environment.

To open an Environment in the Explorer, position the cursor on an Environment icon, click the right mouse button, and select Edit from the pop-up menu. (Under Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating environments, you can simply double-click the Environment icon.)

Keep the following in mind when you start SAS/Warehouse Administrator:

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