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Maintaining Environments

Working with Existing Environments

Adding the Example Environment

When SAS/Warehouse Administrator is installed, an example Warehouse Environment is also installed. For details about adding the example Environment to the SAS/Warehouse Administrator desktop, see Adding the Example Environment.

Metadata Conversion Wizard

The Metadata Conversion Wizard converts Release 1.x metadata to Release 2.0 metadata. If you have any Data Warehouse Environments that were created with a previous release of SAS/Warehouse Administrator, you must convert the metadata in these old Environments to Release 2.0 format in order to use these Environments in the current release.

To invoke the Metadata Conversion Wizard, run SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0, add a new Environment to the desktop, and in the Path field for the new Environment, specify the path to a Release 1.x Environment's metadata repository that has not been converted to Release 2.0 format. The Metadata Conversion Wizard displays.

For more details, see the wizard's online documentation. First-time users of the Metadata Conversion Wizard might want to read Converting Metadata for Environments and Warehouses.

Opening a Warehouse Environment in the Explorer

Here is one way to open a Warehouse Environment in the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer:

  1. Run SAS on a machine where SAS/Warehouse Administrator has been installed.

  2. Type dw on the SAS command line, and press RETURN. SAS/Warehouse Administrator will open the default desktop.

  3. On the SAS/Warehouse Administrator desktop, position the cursor on the Environment icon, click your right mouse button, and select Edit from the pop-up menu. (Under Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating environments, you can double-click the Environment icon to open the Environment.)

The Environment will be opened in the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer. For details about the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer window, click Help in that window.

Opening an Environment with a Relative Pathname

If the pathname in an Environment's Path field is a fully qualified path on the local host, you can start SAS in any convenient directory.

If the pathname in an Environment's Path field is a relative path on the current host, start SAS in a directory that will resolve the pathname to the metadata library _MASTER. Alternatively, you can change to the appropriate parent directory by entering a command such as the following on the SAS command line:

x 'cd drive_name:\dir_name'

If you try to open a Warehouse Environment and you get an error in the SAS log, such as

ERROR: Invalid physical name for library _MASTER

this might indicate that SAS cannot resolve a relative pathname to the Warehouse Environment that you are trying to open. As a result, the groups and data stores in that Environment will not be visible in the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer. If you get this error, ask the person who created the Environment to identify the appropriate parent directory that will resolve the Environment's relative pathname.

If the pathname in an Environment's Path field is a relative path on a remote host and the Environment is under the control of a SAS/SHARE server, see SAS/SHARE Server Preparation.

Metadata Copy Wizard

The Metadata Copy Wizard copies a Warehouse Environment to a new location that you specify. You can use this feature to model a new Environment after an old one rather than creating a completely new Environment. To invoke the Metadata Copy Wizard, run SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0. On the SAS/Warehouse Administrator desktop, click an Environment's icon with the right mouse button and select Copy. The Metadata Copy Wizard displays. Read the wizard's online documentation for details.

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