View a Report Object with SAS Graphics Accelerator

What is SAS Graphics Accelerator?

Starting in the 7.4 release, you can view some types of report objects with SAS Graphics Accelerator.
SAS Graphics Accelerator is a Google Chrome extension that enables users with visual impairments or blindness to explore data visualizations. It supports alternative presentations of data visualizations that include enhanced visual rendering, text descriptions, tabular data, and interactive sonification. Sonification uses non-speech audio to convey important information about the graph.


For information about installing SAS Graphics Accelerator, see

Supported Report Objects

The following report objects support SAS Graphics Accelerator:

Open SAS Graphics Accelerator

To view a report object with SAS Graphics Accelerator, position your cursor over the menu button for the report you want to duplicate, and then click View with SAS Graphics Accelerator.
SAS Graphics Accelerator displays the report object in a new Google Chrome tab.
The SAS Graphics Accelerator tab contains a link to the SAS Graphics Accelerator: User’s Guide.
Last updated: January 8, 2019