Decision Tree Properties
The following properties are available for the
decision tree:
enables you to specify
the name for this model.
Maximum branches
specifies the maximum number of branches allowed when splitting a
Maximum levels
specifies the maximum depth of the decision tree.
Predictor bins
specifies the number of bins used to categorize a
predictor that is a measure variable.
specifies the aggressiveness of the
tree pruning algorithm. A more aggressive algorithm creates a smaller decision tree. Larger values
are more aggressive.
Include missing
enables you to include observations with
missing values. For
category variables, a
missing value is assigned to its own level. For measure variables, a missing value is assigned
to the smallest available machine value (negative infinity).
Reuse predictors
allows more than one split in the same branch based on a predictor.
specifies whether
nodes report how many observations they contain or what percentage of the observations
they contain.
Use default number
of bins specifies whether you want to use the default number of bins or to set your own value.
By default, measure variables are grouped into 20 bins.
Number specifies the number of bins to use when the
Use default number
of bins property is not selected. You must specify an
integer value between 5 and 100.
Prediction cutoff specifies
the value at which a computed probability is considered an event.
Show diagnostic plots
specifies whether the Leaf
Statistics and Assessment windows
appear in the model pane.
Show tree overview
displays the tree overview. The tree overview enables quick navigation of large
decision trees. When you
zoom in to view a specific area of the decision tree, the tree overview shows the entire
decision tree and highlights the area that you
are viewing. You can click and drag the highlighted area to change the display of
the decision tree. Click
![zoom to fit icon](images/zoomtofit.png)
in the upper left corner of the tree overview to
view the entire decision tree. Click
![minimize tree icon](images/restoreview.png)
in the upper left corner of the tree overview to
minimize the tree overview.
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