Insert a Report Object into a Report

To insert a report object into a report, choose one of the following methods:
  • Drag the report object from the Objects tab in the left pane and drop it onto the canvas.
  • Double-click the report object on the Objects tab in the left pane. The report object is automatically placed in the canvas. If you want the report object to appear in a different location, then drag and drop it in a new location.
  • Select the report object on the Objects tab in the left pane, and press Enter. The report object is automatically placed in the canvas. If you want the report object to appear in a different location, then drag and drop it in a new location.
  • Use the Insert menu to select the report object that you want to insert. The report object is automatically placed in the canvas. If you want the report object to appear in a different location, then drag and drop it in a new location.
Note: If you insert a container, then you can drag and drop other report objects onto the container.
Note: Additional steps are required for inserting images. For more information, see Insert an Image into a Report.
Note: Additional steps are required for inserting stored processes. For more information, see Use a Stored Process.
Use the Clear Selection or Select All option on the report object’s pop-up menu to clear the selected data or to select data in the report object.