About Report Objects

After selecting your data source and data items, add one or more report objects to display the results. The SAS Visual Analytics Designer (the designer) provides report objects for all of your reports. (You can also select data after you add report objects to the canvas.) Report objects in the designer are grouped into types on the Objects tab in the left pane and in the Insert menu: Tables, Graphs, Gauges, Controls, Containers, Other, and Custom. Custom is displayed only if one or more custom graphs are saved in your My Folder location.
For a definition and a picture of each report object, see Gallery of Report Objects.
The following table lists the available table objects:
Table Type
list table icon
List Table
crosstab icon
The following table lists the available graph objects:
Graph Type
bar chart icon
Bar Chart
targeted bar chart icon
Targeted Bar Chart
waterfall chart icon
Waterfall Chart
line chart
Line Chart
pie chart icon
Pie Chart
scatter plot icon
Scatter Plot
time series plot
Time Series Plot
bubble plot icon
Bubble Plot
treemap icon
dual axis bar chart icon
Dual Axis Bar Chart
dual axis line chart icon
Dual Axis Line Chart
dual axis bar-line chart icon
Dual Axis Bar-Line Chart
dual axis time series chart icon
Dual Axis Time Series Plot
The following table lists the available gauge objects:
Gauge Type
bullet icon
slider icon
thermometer icon
dial icon
speedometer icon
The following table lists the available controls:
Control Type
drop-down list icon
Drop-down List
list icon
button bar icon
Button Bar
text input icon
Text Input
range slider icon
Range Slider
The following table lists the available containers:
Container Type
vertical container icon
Vertical Container
horizontal container icon
Horizontal Container
stack container icon
Stack Container
The following table lists the other report objects:
Other Type
text icon
image icon
stored process icon
Stored Process
geo bubble map icon
Geo Bubble Map
geo coordinate map icon
Geo Coordinate Map
geo region map icon
Geo Region Map
Report objects of the Custom type are created using SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder (the graph builder). They are identified by this icon: custom graph template icon.
In the designer, you have access to report objects from SAS Visual Analytics Explorer (the explorer). You can open a histogram, heat map, box plot, or correlation matrix in a report that has been exported from the explorer. However, you cannot create new histograms, heat maps, box plots, or correlation matrices in the designer.