Working with Basic Report Filters

About Basic Report Filters

For certain report objects, you can subset your data by using the Filters tab in the right pane of the designer. You can base your filters on any data item in the current data source for this report object, regardless of whether the data item is assigned to a report object in the current report.

Create a Basic Report Filter

To create a basic report filter:
  1. If it is not already selected, select the report object in the canvas that you want to filter. The report object must have at least one data item assigned.
  2. Click the down arrow button beside the Add Filter button, and select a data item from the list. Then, click Add Filter. The filter appears on the tab.
  3. Select the data values for the filter.
    Use the arrow to the left of the filter name on the Filters tab to expand or collapse the filter details when you are working with multiple filters.
    • For a basic filter that uses discrete values, a check box is displayed for each distinct value that uses the current format applied to the data item. To the right of each value, a bar indicates the frequency. Select the data values that you want to filter or clear the selections for the data values that you do not want to filter. Select All to select all of the values.
      Here is an example of a basic filter for discrete values:
      A Basic Report Filter with Check Boxes for Each Discrete Value
    • For a filter that uses continuous values, a slider shows you the maximum and the minimum values that exist for the data item using the current data item format. Use the slider to select a range of target values.
      Here is an example of a basic filter for continuous values:
      A Basic Report Filter with a Slider for Continuous Values
  4. (Optional) If your data contains missing values, and you want to exclude those missing values from your report, then clear the Include missing values check box.
  5. Click the Options button (to the left of the delete icon) for options. The available options depend on whether you are filtering characters, dates, or numerics. You can sort the values or frequencies in the filter.
    The following options are available:
    Edit Filter
    This option is always available.
    Filter Using Continuous Values
    This option is available only for measure data items.
    Filter Using Discrete Values
    This option is available for measure and category data items.
    Include Missing Values
    This option is available when you filter continuous values. It works the same as selecting the Include missing values check box.
    Exclude Missing Values
    This option is available when you filter continuous values. It works the same as clearing the Include missing values check box.
    Select All
    This option is available when you filter discrete values. It selects all of the current discrete values that are listed. This option does not affect the Include missing values setting.
    Clear All
    This option is available when you filter discrete values. It clears the selections of all of the current discrete values that are listed. This option does not affect the Include missing values setting.
    Invert Selection
    This option is available when you filter discrete values. It changes all of the discrete value check boxes so that if they are selected, then they are cleared. If they are cleared, then they are selected. This option does not affect the Include missing values setting.
    Sort by Values
    This option enables you to sort by the values in the filter.
    Sort by Frequency
    This option enables you to sort by the frequencies in the filter.
  6. (Optional) Use the Auto-update check box above the report canvas when you are ready to apply your filter changes.

Edit a Basic Report Filter

To edit a basic report filter:
  1. If it is not already selected, select the report object in the canvas that you want to filter. The report object must have at least one data item assigned.
  2. In the right pane, click the Filters tab.
  3. Click the Options button beside the filter name. Then, select Edit Filter. The Edit Filter window is displayed.
    the Edit Filter window
  4. Edit the expression for your filter.
    • You can drag and drop conditions and operators onto the expression on the Visual tab in the right pane.
    • You can enter the expression on the Text tab in the right pane.
    • You can create an expression using both the Visual and Text tabs in the right pane.
    For information, see Conditions for Filters.
    Note: The AND and OR operators can accept more than two conditions. To add a condition to the operator, drag and drop a condition onto the operator name in the right pane. For example, to add a third condition to an AND operator, drag and drop the new condition onto AND in the expression.
    Right-click the AND or OR operator in the expression, and then select Addthen selectNew Condition.
  5. Click OK to apply the filter.

Delete a Basic Report Filter

To delete a basic report filter, click the remove filter button beside the filter on the Filters tab.