In many cases, the controlling
setting is not on the current object. Instead, the controlling setting
is defined on a parent object and inherited by the current object.
The following table
provides examples in which the controlling setting comes from a parent
object. Because the source of the effective permission is a parent
object, the answer must identify which parent object has the controlling
setting. For this reason, the origins answers in the following examples
identify both a particular parent object (the object that has the
controlling setting) and the controlling setting itself.
In each example, we
are interested in why UserA has an effective grant on FolderA. In
each example, UserA is a direct member of both GroupA and GroupB.
Each row in the table is for a different (independent) permissions
scenario. In the table, the first column depicts the contents of the
Origins window.
The second column interprets the information.
Origins: Inheritance Examples
Source of UserA's
Effective Grant on FolderA
On ParentFolderA, an
explicit grant for UserA
On ParentFolderA, an
explicit grant for GroupA
On ParentFolderA, explicit
grants for GroupA and GroupB
On ParentFolderA, an
ACT pattern grant for GroupA (from a directly applied ACT)
On GreatGrandParentFolderA,
an ACT pattern grant for SASUSERS (from a directly applied ACT)
On ParentFolderA, ACT
pattern grants for GroupA and GroupB (from two different directly
applied ACTs)
GroupA [ACT: GroupABRead]
GroupB [ACT: GroupABRead]
On GrandParentFolderA,
ACT pattern grants for GroupA and GroupB (from the same directly
applied ACT).