Adding Table-Level Display Rules

You can add three different types of display rules to tables. Note that you cannot create a display rule to highlight dates in a table.

Adding Display Rules Using a Gauge

To specify a new display rule for a table using a gauge:
  1. If not already selected, select the table in the report canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Display Rules tab. Click new icon. The Add Display Rule window is displayed.
  3. Select Gauge as the Type. The Add Display Rule window for gauges is displayed.
    Add Display Rule Window for a Gauge
    Add Display Rule Window for a Gauge
  4. Select a Gauge Type from the drop-down list. Your choices are a bullet, an icon, a slider, or a thermometer. Icon is the default.
  5. Using the Based on column drop-down list, specify which column the rule should be based on in the report.
  6. Specify where the gauge should appear in the column for the Cell Placement. Your choices are Left of text, Right of text, or Replace text.
  7. Define the intervals and colors for the rule:
    • Enter the individual values for the intervals and then select a color. You can click the operator between the intervals to change it.
    • Click populate interval icon to automatically populate the intervals. The Populate Intervals window is displayed.
      Populate Intervals Window
      Populate Intervals Window
      You can specify the Number of intervals, the Lower bounds, and the Upper bounds. Click OK.
  8. Specify the Column in which you want the gauge to be displayed
  9. Click OK. The display rule updates with the new display rule. The display rule appears on the Display Rules tab in the right pane.
    Here is an example of an automatically populated display rule that uses an icon:
    Display Rules Tab with the Display Rules for an Icon
    Display Rules Tab with the Display Rules for an Icon
  10. (Optional) Click edit icon on the Display Rules tab to edit the new display rule.

Adding Display Rules Using an Expression

To specify a new display rule for a table using an expression:
  1. If not already selected, select the table in the report canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Display Rules tab. Click new icon. The Add Display Rule window is displayed. The Expression type is displayed by default.
    Add Display Rule Window for an Expression
    Add Display Rule Window for an Expression
  3. Select the Column or any measure value.
  4. Select the Operator. Your choices are Greater than, Is, Is not, Between, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Is missing, or Is not missing. The default is Greater than.
  5. Enter or select a Value.
  6. Modify the style, size, and color of the font.
  7. Select the row or column in the Applies to drop-down list.
  8. Click OK. The table updates with the new display rule. The display rule appears on the Display Rules tab in the right pane.
    Here is an example of a display rule that uses an expression:
    Display Rules Tab with the Display Rules for an Expression
    Display Rules Tab with the Display Rules for an Expression
  9. (Optional) Click edit icon on the Display Rules tab to edit the new display rule.

Adding Display Rules Using Color-Mapped Values

To specify a new display rule for a table using color-mapped values:
  1. If not already selected, select the table in the report canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Display Rules tab. Click new icon. The Add Display Rule window is displayed.
  3. Select Color-mapped values as the Type. The Add Display Rule window for color-mapped values is displayed.
    Add Display Rule Window for Color-Mapped Values
    Add Display Rule Window for Color-Mapped Values
  4. Select the Column or value to which you want to apply the display rule.
  5. Click in the box to enter a value for the display rule.
  6. Select a color for the display rule.
  7. (Optional) Repeat the steps for entering a value and selecting a color.
    In the following example, values and colors have been specified for products in a list table.
    Add Display Rule Window with Color-Mapped Values Displayed
    Add Display Rule Window with Color-Mapped Values Displayed
  8. (Optional) Select the Other check box. Then select a color.
  9. Using the Applies to drop-down list, specify where you want to apply the colors.
  10. Click OK. The table updates with the display rules.
    The display rule appears on the Display Rules tab in the right pane.
    Add Display Rule Window with Color-Mapped Values Displayed
    Add Display Rule Window with Color-Mapped Values Displayed