Identify Dependent SAS Visual Analytics Products

Product dependencies are shown in the following table. If you remove the configuration for a product in the left column, then you must also remove the configurations for all of the products that are in the right column opposite that product. For example:
  • If you remove SAS Visual Analytics Extensions for Services, then you do not need to remove any other products. No products depend on SAS Visual Analytics Extensions for Services.
  • If you remove SAS Visual Analytics High-Performance Configuration, then you must also remove the following dependent products: SAS Visual Analytics Services, SAS Visual Analytics Server Components, and SAS Visual Analytics Administrator.
Note: Remove SAS Visual Analytics products in the opposite order in which you deployed them. For more information see, Installation Rules for Multiple-Machine Deployments.
Dependencies in SAS Visual Analytics
Dependent Products1
SAS Visual Analytics Extensions for Services
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder Configuration Data
SAS Visual Data Builder Configuration Data
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer Configuration Data
SAS Visual Analytics Configuration Data
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
SAS Visual Analytics Designer
SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Data Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Hub
SAS Visual Analytics Services
SAS Visual Analytics High-Performance Configuration
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics Server Components
SAS Visual Analytics Services
SAS Visual Analytics Services
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics Designer
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Hub
SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer
SAS Visual Data Builder
SAS Web Application Server
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics Designer
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Hub
SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer
SAS Visual Analytics Services
SAS Visual Data Builder
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics Designer
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
SAS Visual Analytics Extensions for Services
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Hub
SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer
SAS Visual Analytics Services
SAS Visual Data Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer Server Configuration
Application Server Context
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics High-Performance Configuration
SAS Visual Analytics Server Components
SAS Visual Data Builder
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Data Builder
DATA Step Batch Server
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server
Visual Analytics Services
Visual Data Builder
1These products depend on the product in the left column. Therefore, they must be removed if the product in the left column is removed.
When you remove a product’s configuration, the SAS Deployment Manager checks to see whether your deployment plan includes any products that depend on that product. If dependent products exist, and if you have not selected those products for removal, then the SAS Deployment Manager prompts you to remove them.
Last updated: August 1, 2017