SAS Universal Viewer Main Window

The Main Window

When you invoke SAS Universal Viewer, a window appears that shows the name of the product and the release. After a few moments, the main SAS Universal Viewer window appears:
SAS Universal Viewer Main Window
SAS Universal Viewer Main Window
You can open libraries and files from the File menu or by entering the location in the Address box.
The following menus are available with SAS Universal Viewer:
enables you to open a library and open one or more files. The files open in a workspace.
enables you to set logon options, set the default use of formats, and set page breaking properties.
enables you to select cascading, vertical, or horizontal tiling.
enables you to access the current SAS Universal Viewer User's Guide.
The Address box enables you to open files and libraries by entering the file or library location. Address can be a local directory, a network path, or an Internet address. If you type an Internet address in the Address field, SAS Universal Viewer opens a browser in the workspace. You can have multiple workspaces open at the same time. Using multiple workspaces enables you to work on sets of files as a unit.