Create a Stop List

A stop list is a simple collection of low-information or extraneous words that you want to remove from the text, which has been saved as a SAS data set.
To create a stop list:
  1. Click the FREQ column heading to sort the Terms table by frequency. Make sure that the Freq label has an arrow that points downward to indicate that the Freq column is sorted in descending order.
  2. Drop some terms that have no bearing on what the adverse reaction is. Hold down the CTRL key and click on these terms: patient, have, receive, vaccine, day, develop, and dose. Right-click to open the menu. Select Toggle KEEP to uncheck the Keep attribute. This removes the checkmark from the Keep column for each term you have selected.
    There are several more terms you could choose to exclude. Only a few are itemized here to demonstrate the concept and process. If additional terms are dropped from the analysis, note that different results will be obtained that will not match those later in this document.
    Terms window
  3. Click the # DOCS column heading and ensure that the sort arrow is pointing upward. This sorts the terms by count.
  4. Click and drag the mouse to select all terms with counts of 2. Right-click a selected term and select Toggle KEEP to drop these terms from the analysis.
    Terms window
  5. Select File Arrow Save Stop List.
  6. Select the Mylib library and type VAEREXTSTOP in the Data Set Name box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Close the Text Miner — Interactive window.
  9. Note that the Stop List property of the Text Miner — CST node is set to MYLIB.VAEREXTSTOP.
    Parse property panel