General Plot Properties


In this example, you label observations in a scatter plot according to values of a third variable.

Open the Hurricanes data set and create a scatter plot of wind_kts versus min_pressure.

The scatter plot appears, as shown in Figure 9.12.

Click on an observation.

The selected observation is labeled by its position in the data table.

ugpropslabelscat.png (7740 bytes)

Figure 9.12: A Scatter Plot

Right-click near the center of the plot, and select Plot Area Properties from the pop-up menu.

A dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 9.13.

ugpropslabelobsdlg.png (7410 bytes)

Figure 9.13: The Observations Tab

Select name from the Label observations by list.

Click OK.

The label for the selected observation updates, as shown in Figure 9.14. If you click on subsequent observations, each label displays a storm name.

ugpropslabelscat2.png (7817 bytes)

Figure 9.14: Labeling Only Selected Observations

Note: Only the scatter plot is affected by selecting Label observations by on the Observations tab of the Plot Area Properties dialog box. If you create a second plot, that new plot defaults to using observation numbers to label observations.

You can also set a default label variable that is used for all plots. In the data table, right-click on a variable heading. Select Label from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 9.15. The values of the selected variable are displayed when you click on observations in a plot (unless that plot overrides the default).

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Figure 9.15: The Variables Menu

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