The QUANTLIFE Procedure

Syntax: QUANTLIFE Procedure

The following statements are available in the QUANTLIFE procedure:

  • PROC QUANTLIFE <options>;

  • BASELINE <options>;

  • BY variables;

  • CLASS variables;

  • EFFECT name = effect-type ( variables </ options> );

  • MODEL response <*censor(list)> = <effects> </ options>;

  • OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set> <keyword=name …keyword=name>;

  • TEST effects </ options>;

  • WEIGHT variable;

The PROC QUANTLIFE and MODEL statements are required. The PROC QUANTLIFE statement invokes the procedure. The CLASS statement specifies which explanatory variables are treated as categorical. The MODEL statement specifies the variables to be used in the regression. You can specify main effects and interaction terms in the MODEL statement, as you can in the GLM procedure (Chapter 45: The GLM Procedure). The OUTPUT statement creates an output data set to contain predicted values, residuals, and estimated standard errors. The TEST statement requests linear tests for the model parameters. The WEIGHT statement identifies a variable in the input data set whose values are used to weight the observations. In one invocation of PROC QUANTLIFE, multiple OUTPUT and TEST statements are allowed.

The rest of this section provides detailed syntax information for each statement, beginning with the PROC QUANTLIFE statement. The remaining statements are covered in alphabetical order.