Model Information

By default, PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC displays the following information in the Model Information table:

  • name of the input Data Set

  • name and label of the Response Variable if the single-trial syntax is used

  • number of Response Levels

  • name of the Events Variable if the events/trials syntax is used

  • name of the Trials Variable if the events/trials syntax is used

  • name of the Offset Variable if the OFFSET= option is specified

  • name of the Frequency Variable if the FREQ statement is specified

  • name(s) of the Stratum Variable(s) if the STRATA statement is specified

  • total Number of Strata if the STRATA statement is specified

  • name(s) of the Cluster Variable(s) if the CLUSTER statement is specified

  • total Number of Clusters if the CLUSTER statement is specified

  • name of the Weight Variable if the WEIGHT statement is specified

  • Variance Adjustment method

  • Upper Bound ADJBOUND parameter used in the VADJUST=MOREL(ADJBOUND= ) option

  • Lower Bound DEFFBOUND parameter used in the VADJUST=MOREL(DEFFBOUND= ) option

  • whether FPC (finite population correction) is used