Exhaust Emissions Data

The following steps display information about the data set Sashelp.Gas and create Figure B.5:

title 'Exhaust Emissions Data';
proc contents data=sashelp.gas varnum; 
   ods select position; 

title 'The First Five Observations Out of 171';
proc print data=sashelp.gas(obs=5); 

title 'The Fuel Type Variable';
proc freq data=sashelp.gas; 
   tables fuel; 

Figure B.5 Exhaust Emissions Data
Exhaust Emissions Data

Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len Label
1 Fuel Char 8  
2 CpRatio Num 8 Compression Ratio
3 EqRatio Num 8 Equivalence Ratio
4 NOx Num 8 Nitrogen Oxide

The First Five Observations Out of 171

Obs Fuel CpRatio EqRatio NOx
1 Ethanol 12 0.907 3.741
2 Ethanol 12 0.761 2.295
3 Ethanol 12 1.108 1.498
4 Ethanol 12 1.016 2.881
5 Ethanol 12 1.189 0.760

The Fuel Type Variable

Fuel Frequency Percent Cumulative
82rongas 9 5.26 9 5.26
94%Eth 25 14.62 34 19.88
Ethanol 90 52.63 124 72.51
Gasohol 13 7.60 137 80.12
Indolene 22 12.87 159 92.98
Methanol 12 7.02 171 100.00