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The SURVEYFREQ Procedure

ODS Graphics

PROC SURVEYFREQ assigns a name to each graph that it creates with ODS Graphics. You can use these names to refer to the graphs. Table 84.8 lists the names of the graphs that PROC SURVEYFREQ generates together with their descriptions, their PLOTS= options (plot-requests), and the TABLES statement options that are required to produce the graphs.

To request graphics with PROC SURVEYFREQ, you must first enable ODS Graphics by specifying the ODS GRAPHICS ON statement. See Chapter 21, Statistical Graphics Using ODS, for more information. When you have enabled ODS Graphics, you can request specific plots with the PLOTS= option in the TABLES statement. If you do not specify the PLOTS= option but have enabled ODS Graphics, then PROC SURVEYFREQ produces all plots that are associated with the analyses that you request.

Table 84.8 ODS Graphics Produced by PROC SURVEYFREQ

ODS Graph Name

Plot Description

PLOTS= Option

TABLES Statement Option


Weighted frequency plot


Any table request


Odds ratio plot


OR ( table)


Relative risk plot


OR ( table)


Risk difference plot


RISK ( table)

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