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The SURVEYREG Procedure

Example 86.7 Domain Analysis

Recall that in the section Getting Started: SURVEYREG Procedure, you collected a stratified simple random sample from a junior high school to examine how household income and the number of children in a household affect students’ average weekly spending for ice cream. You can also use the same sample to estimate the average weekly spending among male and female students, respectively. This is often called domain analysis (subgroup analysis). You can use PROC SURVEYREG to perform domain analysis as in this example. The data set follows:

   data IceCreamDataDomain;
      input Grade Spending Income Gender$ @@;
   7   7  39  M   7   7  38  F   8  12  47  F 
   9  10  47  M   7   1  34  M   7  10  43  M
   7   3  44  M   8  20  60  F   8  19  57  M
   7   2  35  M   7   2  36  F   9  15  51  F
   8  16  53  F   7   6  37  F   7   6  41  M
   7   6  39  M   9  15  50  M   8  17  57  F
   8  14  46  M   9   8  41  M   9   8  41  F
   9   7  47  F   7   3  39  F   7  12  50  M
   7   4  43  M   9  14  46  F   8  18  58  M
   9   9  44  F   7   2  37  F   7   1  37  M
   7   4  44  M   7  11  42  M   9   8  41  M 
   8  10  42  M   8  13  46  F   7   2  40  F
   9   6  45  F   9  11  45  M   7   2  36  F
   7   9  46  F
   data IceCreamDataDomain; 
      set IceCreamDataDomain; 
      if Grade=7 then Prob=20/1824;
      if Grade=8 then Prob=9/1025;
      if Grade=9 then Prob=11/1151;

In the data set IceCreamDataDomain, the variable Grade indicates a student’s grade, which is the stratification variable. The variable Spending contains the dollar amount of each student’s average weekly spending for ice cream. The variable Income specifies the household income, in thousands of dollars. The variable Gender indicates a student’s gender. The sampling weights are created by using the reciprocals of the probabilities of selection, as follows:

   data StudentTotals;
      input Grade _TOTAL_; 
   7 1824
   8 1025
   9 1151

In the data set StudentTotals, the variable Grade is the stratification variable, and the variable _TOTAL_ contains the total numbers of students in the strata in the survey population.

The following statements demonstrate how you can estimate the average spending in the subgroup of male students:

   title1 'Ice Cream Spending Analysis';
   title2 'Domain Analysis by Gender';
   proc surveyreg data=IceCreamDataDomain total=StudentTotals;
      strata Grade; 
      model Spending = Income; 
      domain Gender;

Output 86.7.1 gives a summary of the domains.

Output 86.7.1 Domain Analysis Summary
Ice Cream Spending Analysis
Domain Analysis by Gender

The SURVEYREG Procedure
Domain Regression Analysis for Variable Spending

Domain Summary
Number of Observations 40
Number of Observations in Domain 19
Number of Observations Not in Domain 21
Mean of Spending 8.94737
Sum of Spending 170.00000

Ice Cream Spending Analysis
Domain Analysis by Gender

The SURVEYREG Procedure
Domain Regression Analysis for Variable Spending

Domain Summary
Number of Observations 40
Number of Observations in Domain 21
Number of Observations Not in Domain 19
Mean of Spending 8.57143
Sum of Spending 180.00000

Output 86.7.2 shows that parameter estimates for the model within each domain.

Output 86.7.2 Parameter Estimates within Domain
Ice Cream Spending Analysis
Domain Analysis by Gender

The SURVEYREG Procedure
Domain Regression Analysis for Variable Spending

Estimated Regression Coefficients
Parameter Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept -23.897418 2.38307272 -10.03 <.0001
Income 0.737649 0.04973471 14.83 <.0001

Note: The denominator degrees of freedom for the t tests is 37.

Ice Cream Spending Analysis
Domain Analysis by Gender

The SURVEYREG Procedure
Domain Regression Analysis for Variable Spending

Estimated Regression Coefficients
Parameter Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept -23.342282 2.11458083 -11.04 <.0001
Income 0.730052 0.04587826 15.91 <.0001

Note: The denominator degrees of freedom for the t tests is 37.

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