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The SURVEYREG Procedure

Syntax: SURVEYREG Procedure

The following statements are available in PROC SURVEYREG:

PROC SURVEYREG <options> ;
BY variables ;
CLASS variables ;
CLUSTER variables ;
CONTRAST ’label’ effect values < ... effect values> </ options> ;
DOMAIN variables <variablevariable variablevariablevariable ... > ;
ESTIMATE ’label’ effect values < ... effect values> </ options> ;
MODEL dependent = <effects> </ options> ;
OUTPUT <keyword <=variable-name> ... keyword <=variable-name>> </ option> ;
REPWEIGHTS variables < / options> ;
STRATA variables </ options> ;
WEIGHT variable ;

The PROC SURVEYREG and MODEL statements are required. If your model contains classification effects, you must list the classification variables in a CLASS statement, and the CLASS statement must precede the MODEL statement. If you use a CONTRAST statement or an ESTIMATE statement, the MODEL statement must precede the CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement.

The CLASS, CLUSTER, STRATA, CONTRAST, and ESTIMATE statements can appear multiple times. You should use only one MODEL statement and one WEIGHT statement.

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