The HPPLS Procedure

Syntax: HPPLS Procedure

The following statements are available in the HPPLS procedure:

  • PROC HPPLS <options>;

  • BY variables;

  • CLASS variable <(options)>$\ldots $ <variable <(options)>> </ global-options>;

  • MODEL response-variables = predictor-effects </ options>;

  • OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set>
    <keyword <=prefix>>…<keyword <=prefix>>

  • PARTITION <partition-options>;

  • PERFORMANCE <performance-options>;

  • ID variables;

The PROC HPPLS statement and a single MODEL statement are required. All other statements are optional. The CLASS statement can appear multiple times. If a CLASS statement is specified, it must precede the MODEL statement. The following sections describe the PROC HPPLS statement and then describe the other statements in alphabetical order.