Creating a Customized Sort Order


You want to sort data in a logical, but not alphabetical, sequence.

Background Information

There is one input table, called CHORES, that contains the following data:
data chores;
   input Project $ Hours Season $;
weeding 48 summer
pruning 12 winter
mowing 36 summer
mulching 17 fall
raking 24 fall
raking 16 spring
planting 8 spring
planting 8 fall
sweeping 3 winter
edging 16 summer
seeding 6 spring
tilling 12 spring
aerating 6 spring
feeding 7 summer
rolling 4 winter

proc sql;
title 'Garden Chores';
select * from chores;
Sample Input Data for a Customized Sort
Garden Chores
You want to reorder this chore list so that all the chores are grouped by season, starting with spring and progressing through the year. Simply ordering by Season makes the list appear in alphabetical sequence: fall, spring, summer, winter.


Use the following PROC SQL code to create a new column, Sorter, that will have values of 1 through 4 for the seasons spring through winter. Use the new column to order the query, but do not select it to appear:
 proc sql;
    title 'Garden Chores by Season in Logical Order';
    select Project, Hours, Season
       from (select Project, Hours, Season,
                  when Season = 'spring' then 1
                  when Season = 'summer' then 2
                  when Season = 'fall' then 3
                  when Season = 'winter' then 4
                  else .
               end as Sorter
               from chores)
       order by Sorter;
PROC SQL Output for a Customized Sort Sequence
Garden Chores by Season in Logical Order

How It Works

This solution uses an in-line view to create a temporary column that can be used as an ORDER BY column. The in-line view is a query that performs the following:
  • selects the Project, Hours, and Season columns
  • uses a CASE expression to remap the seasons to the new column Sorter: spring to 1, summer to 2, fall to 3, and winter to 4
     (select project, hours, season,
                when season = 'spring' then 1
                when season = 'summer' then 2
                when season = 'fall' then 3
                when season = 'winter' then 4
                else .
             end as sorter
         from chores)
The first, or outer, SELECT statement in the query performs the following:
  • selects the Project, Hours, and Season columns
  • orders rows by the values that were assigned to the seasons in the Sorter column that was created with the in-line view
Notice that the Sorter column is not included in the SELECT statement. That causes a note to be written to the log indicating that you have used a column in an ORDER BY statement that does not appear in the SELECT statement. In this case, that is exactly what you wanted to do.