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Retrieving Data from a Single Table

Creating New Columns

In addition to selecting columns that are stored in a table, you can create new columns that exist for the duration of the query. These columns can contain text or calculations. PROC SQL writes the columns that you create as if they were columns from the table.

Adding Text to Output

You can add text to the output by including a string expression, or literal expression, in a query. The following query includes two strings as additional columns in the output:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'U.S. Postal Codes';
   select 'Postal code for', Name, 'is', Code
      from sql.postalcodes;

Adding Text to Output

                               U.S. Postal Codes

                           Name                                  Code
          Postal code for  Alabama                           is  AL  
          Postal code for  Alaska                            is  AK  
          Postal code for  American Samoa                    is  AS  
          Postal code for  Arizona                           is  AZ  
          Postal code for  Arkansas                          is  AR  
          Postal code for  California                        is  CA  
          Postal code for  Colorado                          is  CO  
          Postal code for  Connecticut                       is  CT  
          Postal code for  Delaware                          is  DE  
          Postal code for  District Of Columbia              is  DC  
          Postal code for  Florida                           is  FL  
          Postal code for  Georgia                           is  GA  

To prevent the column headings Name and Code from printing, you can assign a label that starts with a special character to each of the columns. PROC SQL does not output the column name when a label is assigned, and it does not output labels that begin with special characters. For example, you could use the following query to suppress the column headings that PROC SQL displayed in the previous example:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'U.S. Postal Codes';
   select 'Postal code for', Name label='#', 'is', Code label='#'
      from sql.postalcodes;

Suppressing Column Headings in Output

                               U.S. Postal Codes

           Postal code for  Alabama                           is  AL
           Postal code for  Alaska                            is  AK
           Postal code for  American Samoa                    is  AS
           Postal code for  Arizona                           is  AZ
           Postal code for  Arkansas                          is  AR
           Postal code for  California                        is  CA
           Postal code for  Colorado                          is  CO
           Postal code for  Connecticut                       is  CT
           Postal code for  Delaware                          is  DE
           Postal code for  District Of Columbia              is  DC
           Postal code for  Florida                           is  FL
           Postal code for  Georgia                           is  GA

Calculating Values

You can perform calculations with values that you retrieve from numeric columns. The following example converts temperatures in the SQL.WORLDTEMPS table from Fahrenheit to Celsius:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Low Temperatures in Celsius';
   select City, (AvgLow - 32) * 5/9 format=4.1
      from sql.worldtemps;

Note:   This example uses the FORMAT attribute to modify the format of the calculated output. See Specifying Column Attributes for more information.  [cautionend]

Calculating Values

                          Low Temperatures in Celsius

                            Algiers              7.2
                            Amsterdam            0.6
                            Athens               5.0
                            Auckland             6.7
                            Bangkok             20.6
                            Beijing             -8.3
                            Belgrade            -1.7
                            Berlin              -3.9
                            Bogota               6.1
                            Bombay              20.0
                            Bucharest           -4.4
                            Budapest            -3.9

Assigning a Column Alias

By specifying a column alias, you can assign a new name to any column within a PROC SQL query. The new name must follow the rules for SAS names. The name persists only for that query.

When you use an alias to name a column, you can use the alias to reference the column later in the query. PROC SQL uses the alias as the column heading in output. The following example assigns an alias of LowCelsius to the calculated column from the previous example:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Low Temperatures in Celsius';
   select City, (AvgLow - 32) * 5/9 as LowCelsius format=4.1
      from sql.worldtemps;

Assigning a Column Alias to a Calculated Column

                          Low Temperatures in Celsius

                         City                LowCelsius
                         Algiers                    7.2
                         Amsterdam                  0.6
                         Athens                     5.0
                         Auckland                   6.7
                         Bangkok                   20.6
                         Beijing                   -8.3
                         Belgrade                  -1.7
                         Berlin                    -3.9
                         Bogota                     6.1
                         Bombay                    20.0
                         Bucharest                 -4.4
                         Budapest                  -3.9

Referring to a Calculated Column by Alias

When you use a column alias to refer to a calculated value, you must use the CALCULATED keyword with the alias to inform PROC SQL that the value is calculated within the query. The following example uses two calculated values, LowC and HighC, to calculate a third value, Range:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Range of High and Low Temperatures in Celsius';
      select City, (AvgHigh - 32) * 5/9 as HighC format=5.1, 
                   (AvgLow - 32) * 5/9 as LowC format=5.1,
                   (calculated HighC - calculated LowC)
                    as Range format=4.1
   from sql.worldtemps;

Note:   You can specify a calculated column only in a SELECT clause or a WHERE clause.  [cautionend]

Referring to a Calculated Column by Alias

                 Range of High and Low Temperatures in Celsius

                    City                HighC   LowC  Range
                    Algiers              32.2    7.2   25.0
                    Amsterdam            21.1    0.6   20.6
                    Athens               31.7    5.0   26.7
                    Auckland             23.9    6.7   17.2
                    Bangkok              35.0   20.6   14.4
                    Beijing              30.0   -8.3   38.3
                    Belgrade             26.7   -1.7   28.3
                    Berlin               23.9   -3.9   27.8
                    Bogota               20.6    6.1   14.4
                    Bombay               32.2   20.0   12.2
                    Bucharest            28.3   -4.4   32.8
                    Budapest             26.7   -3.9   30.6

Note:   Because this query sets a numeric format of 4.1 on the HighC, LowC, and Range columns, the values in those columns are rounded to the nearest tenth. As a result of the rounding, some of the values in the HighC and LowC columns do not reflect the range value output for the Range column. When you round numeric data values, this type of error sometimes occurs. If you want to avoid this problem, then you can specify additional decimal places in the format.  [cautionend]

Assigning Values Conditionally

CASE expressions enable you to interpret and change some or all of the data values in a column to make the data more useful or meaningful.

Using a Simple CASE Expression

You can use conditional logic within a query by using a CASE expression to conditionally assign a value. You can use a CASE expression anywhere that you can use a column name.

The following table, which is used in the next example, describes the world climate zones (rounded to the nearest degree) that exist between Location 1 and Location 2:

World Climate Zones
Climate zone Location 1 Latitude at Location 1 Location 2 Latitude at Location 2
North Frigid North Pole 90 Arctic Circle 67
North Temperate Arctic Circle 67 Tropic of Cancer 23
Torrid Tropic of Cancer 23 Tropic of Capricorn -23
South Temperate Tropic of Capricorn -23 Antarctic Circle -67
South Frigid Antarctic Circle -67 South Pole -90

In this example, a CASE expression determines the climate zone for each city based on the value in the Latitude column in the SQL.WORLDCITYCOORDS table. The query also assigns an alias of ClimateZone to the value. You must close the CASE logic with the END keyword.

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Climate Zones of World Cities';
   select City, Country, Latitude,
             when Latitude gt 67 then 'North Frigid'
             when 67 ge Latitude ge 23 then 'North Temperate'
             when 23 gt Latitude gt -23 then 'Torrid'
             when -23 ge Latitude ge -67 then 'South Temperate'
             else 'South Frigid'
          end as ClimateZone
      from sql.worldcitycoords
      order by City;

Using a Simple CASE Expression

                         Climate Zones of World Cities

  City                        Country               Latitude  ClimateZone
  Abadan                      Iran                        30  North Temperate
  Acapulco                    Mexico                      17  Torrid         
  Accra                       Ghana                        5  Torrid         
  Adana                       Turkey                      37  North Temperate
  Addis Ababa                 Ethiopia                     9  Torrid         
  Adelaide                    Australia                  -35  South Temperate
  Aden                        Yemen                       13  Torrid         
  Ahmenabad                   India                       22  Torrid         
  Algiers                     Algeria                     37  North Temperate
  Alice Springs               Australia                  -24  South Temperate
  Amman                       Jordan                      32  North Temperate
  Amsterdam                   Netherlands                 52  North Temperate

Using the CASE-OPERAND Form

You can also construct a CASE expression by using the CASE-OPERAND form, as in the following example. This example selects states and assigns them to a region based on the value of the Continent column:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Assigning Regions to Continents';
   select Name, Continent,
          case Continent
             when 'North America' then 'Continental U.S.'
             when 'Oceania' then 'Pacific Islands' 
             else 'None'
          end as Region
      from sql.unitedstates;

Note:   When you use the CASE-OPERAND form of the CASE expression, the conditions must all be equality tests; that is, they cannot use comparison operators or other types of operators, as are used in Using a Simple CASE Expression.  [cautionend]

Using a CASE Expression in the CASE-OPERAND Form

                                  Assigning Regions to Continents

     Name                                 Continent                            Region
     Alabama                              North America                        Continental U.S.
     Alaska                               North America                        Continental U.S.
     Arizona                              North America                        Continental U.S.
     Arkansas                             North America                        Continental U.S.
     California                           North America                        Continental U.S.
     Colorado                             North America                        Continental U.S.
     Connecticut                          North America                        Continental U.S.
     Delaware                             North America                        Continental U.S.
     District of Columbia                 North America                        Continental U.S.
     Florida                              North America                        Continental U.S.
     Georgia                              North America                        Continental U.S.
     Hawaii                               Oceania                              Pacific Islands 

Replacing Missing Values

The COALESCE function enables you to replace missing values in a column with a new value that you specify. For every row that the query processes, the COALESCE function checks each of its arguments until it finds a nonmissing value, then returns that value. If all of the arguments are missing values, then the COALESCE function returns a missing value. For example, the following query replaces missing values in the LowPoint column in the SQL.CONTINENTS table with the words Not Available:

proc sql;
   title 'Continental Low Points';
   select Name, coalesce(LowPoint, 'Not Available') as LowPoint
      from sql.continents;  

Using the COALESCE Function to Replace Missing Values

                             Continental Low Points

    Name                                 LowPoint
    Africa                               Lake Assal                         
    Antarctica                           Not Available                      
    Asia                                 Dead Sea                           
    Australia                            Lake Eyre                          
    Central America and Caribbean        Not Available                      
    Europe                               Caspian Sea                        
    North America                        Death Valley                       
    Oceania                              Not Available                      
    South America                        Valdes Peninsula                   

The following CASE expression shows another way to perform the same replacement of missing values; however, the COALESCE function requires fewer lines of code to obtain the same results:

proc sql;
   title 'Continental Low Points';
   select Name, case
                   when LowPoint is missing then 'Not Available'
                   else Lowpoint
                end as LowPoint
      from sql.continents;  

Specifying Column Attributes

You can specify the following column attributes, which determine how SAS data is displayed:

If you do not specify these attributes, then PROC SQL uses attributes that are already saved in the table or, if no attributes are saved, then it uses the default attributes.

The following example assigns a label of State to the Name column and a format of COMMA10. to the Area column:

proc sql outobs=12;
   title 'Areas of U.S. States in Square Miles';
   select Name label='State', Area format=comma10. 
      from sql.unitedstates;

Note:   Using the LABEL= keyword is optional. For example, the following two select clauses are the same:

select Name label='State', Area format=comma10.

select Name 'State', Area format=comma10.


Specifying Column Attributes

                      Areas of U.S. States in Square Miles

                State                                      Area
                Alabama                                  52,423
                Alaska                                  656,400
                Arizona                                 114,000
                Arkansas                                 53,200
                California                              163,700
                Colorado                                104,100
                Connecticut                               5,500
                Delaware                                  2,500
                District of Columbia                        100
                Florida                                  65,800
                Georgia                                  59,400
                Hawaii                                   10,900

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