Use the SPD Server SQL STARJOIN facility options to specify how SPD Server implements Star Joins.


Use the NOSTARJOIN option to disable or enable the SPD Server STARJOIN facility.
execute(reset nostarjoin=<1/0>)
  by sasspds ; 
NOSTARJOIN=0 enables the SPD Server STARJOIN facility.
NOSTARJOIN=1 disables the SPD Server STARJOIN facility.


Use the STARMAGIC option to modify the behavior of the SPD Server STARJOIN and override some internal heuristics in order to favor a particular join strategy in the planner. The values are bit flags in the STARJOIN code that can be added together to result in a variety of controls.
execute(reset starmagic=<1/2/4/8/16>)
  by sasspds ; 
STARMAGIC=1 forces all dimension tables to be classified as Phase I tables.
STARMAGIC=2 is currently not used.
STARMAGIC=4 requires an exact match on the FACT composite index in order to meet Phase I conditions for STARJOIN.
STARMAGIC=8 disables the IN-SET STARJOIN strategy. The IN-SET strategy is enabled by default.
STARMAGIC=16 disables the COMPOSITE STARJOIN strategy. The COMPOSITE strategy is enabled by default.


Use the DETAILS option to print details about your SPD Server STARJOIN facility settings. All internal STARJOIN debugging information is tied to the stj$ DETAILS key. Issuing the stj$ reset option displays available information as SPD Server attempts to validate a join sub-tree. The RESET DETAILS="stj$" option is very useful for debugging STARJOIN and SQL statement execution.
execute(reset details="stj$")
  by sasspds ;