SPD Server STARJOIN Facility

The SPD Server's enhanced SQL planner includes the STARJOIN facility. The SPD Server STARJOIN facility validates, optimizes, and executes SQL queries on data that is configured in a star schema. Star schemas consist of two or more normalized dimension tables that surround a centralized fact table. The centralized fact table contains data elements of interest derived from the dimension tables.
In data warehouses with large numbers of tables and millions or billions of rows of data, properly constructed star joins can minimize overhead data redundancy during query evaluation. If the SPD Server STARJOIN facility is not enabled, or of SPD Server SQL does not detect a star schema, then the SQL is processed using pair-wise joins.
How do star joins differ from pair-wise joins? In SPD Server 4.4, properly configured star joins require only three steps to complete, regardless of the number of dimension tables. SPD Server pair-wise joins require one step for each table to complete the join. If a star schema consisted of 25 dimension tables and one fact table, the STARJOIN is accomplished in three steps; joining the tables in the star schema using pair-wise joins requires 26 steps.
When data is configured in a valid SPD Server star schema, and the STARJOIN facility is not disabled, the SPD Server STARJOIN facility can produce quicker and more processor-efficient SQL query performance than would be realized using SQL pair-wise join queries.
For more information about the STARJOIN facility, see STARJOIN Facility Reference.