psmgr utility manages the password table that enables access to the SPD
Server host. When you start SPD Server, the command line option -ACLDIR
specifies the location (directory path) where the table is located.
The owner of the password table, typically the SPD Server administrator,
can update the table.
The password table contains
the following attributes and capabilities for each system user:
an optional password expiration
an optional ACL group name
an optional time limit between
successful logins
an optional number of login failures
before disabling the user
an optional user performance class
A user ID is restricted
to 8 characters and does not have to correspond to any system user
A password is also restricted
to 8 characters.
A password for the
psmgr table must have a minimum of 6 characters - at
least one character must be numeric, and at least one character must
be alphabetic. A new password must be different from a user's last
six passwords. The password cannot contain the user ID.
If a user has three
consecutive failed attempts to connect to the SPD Server host, his
or her user ID is no longer enabled. Until an administrator resets
the user ID, the user will not be able to connect to the SPD Server
If you are upgrading
to SPD Server 4.5 from SPD Server 3.x, the SPD Server 4.5
psmgr utility must be re-populated from the SPD Server
3.x password table.