Start and Stop SPD Server

You must install SPD Server as a service before you can start SPD Server. If you have not already completed this task, see Install SPD Server as a Service.
Most users want to configure SPD Server to automatically start and stop the name server, data server, and SNET server when they start and stop Windows. The Automatic setting loads the name server, data server, and SNET server without prompting. It stops the services without prompting when you close Windows.
  1. In the Window Services window, scroll down the Services list to find the entry for SPD 4.5 Name Server.
  2. Select the name server service in the list, and then right-click on it and select Properties. The Properties window opens.
    Configuring SPD Server Name Server Properties
  3. Select Automatic from the Startup type list. This setting configures the name server service to automatically start and stop with the Windows operating environment. Click OK to apply the changes and close the window.
  4. Repeat this process to change the Startup type setting for the data server and SNET Server. At this point, your name server, data server, and SNET Server services are configured to automatically start and stop with the Windows operating environment.
Note: The first time you set your SPD Server services to Automatic, you need to manually start them by selecting Startthen selectProgramsthen selectSASthen selectSPD Server 4.5then selectStart SPD Service. After you manually start the services, the name server, data server, and SNET server will automatically start and stop with Windows.