
This chapter describes using SPD Server to connect with ODBC, JDBC, htmSQL, and SQL C API clients.
Scalable Performance Data Server provides ODBC, JDBC, htmSQL, and SQL C API access to SPD Server data stores from all supported platforms.
SPD Server can read tables exported from Base SAS software using PROC COPY, and, with the proper drivers installed on the network, allows queries on the tables from client machines that do not have SAS software.
There are four possible options:
  • ODBC: Open Database Connectivity - This is an interface standard that provides a common interface for accessing databases. Many software applications running in a Windows environment are compliant with this standard and can access data created by other software. This is a good choice if you have client machines running Windows applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.
  • JDBC: Java Database Connectivity - This option allows users with browsers to log on to a Web page and make a query. The results of the request are formatted and returned to a Web page. This makes information available across a wide range of client platforms because all you need, after installing the JDBC driver on SPD Server, is a Web page with some Java code, and a client machine with a browser enabled by Java.
  • htmSQL: HyperText Markup Structured Query Language - This option allows users with browsers to log on to a Web page and make a query. The results of the request are formatted and returned to a Web page. This makes information available across a wide range of client platforms. Why? After installing the htmSQL driver in SPD Server, all you need is an htmSQL Web page and a client machine with a browser.
  • SQL C API:This option allows access to SPD Server tables from SQL statements generated by C/C++ language applications. This access is provided in the form of a C-language run-time access library. This library provides a set of functions that you can use to write custom applications to process SPD Server tables and to generate new ones. This library is designed to support multi-threaded applications and is available on all supported SPD Server platforms.
Note: GUI interfaces might not display all return codes or error messages that the server generates.