Using SQL C API to Access SPD Server Tables

Read this section if you do not have Base SAS software on the network client but you want to provide your network client machines with the capability of accessing SPD Server tables, using SQL query methods. You must have SPD Server tables available for use, SPD Servers and SPD SNET servers running, and Network client machines capable of running C/C++ programs.

Why Would I Want to Use SQL C API?

You have SPD Server tables available on your network and one or more of the following might be true:
  • You do not have Base SAS software on the network client to process the data sets.
  • You want to distribute the information across your corporate intranet.
  • The clients on your network are varied: UNIX boxes, Windows PCs, workstations. One thing they might have in common is the ability to run C/C++ programs.
  • Your developers are familiar with SQL and C/C++.
The chapter "SPD Server SQL Access Library API Reference" in the SPD Server User's Guide contains additional information about SQL C API.