Repair Shop Model

Like the M/M/1 Queueing Model example discussed earlier, this model was also first introduced in Chapter 2: Overview of SAS Simulation Studio, and the details and motivation for the model are found there. This section presents an enhancement to the original Repair Shop Model, which is shown in Figure E.10 and corresponds to model1 in the project docRepairshop found in the \projects\examples directory where Simulation Studio is installed.

Figure E.10: The Repair Shop Model

In this model,an attribute (named PartType) is added to the Part entities and is then used to dynamically generate a service time for a particular Part entity at each of the Server blocks in the model. In Figure E.10, a Modifier block has been added after the Arrivals compound block where the attribute PartType is assigned to be a random sample from the discrete uniform distribution on the interval [1,3]. At the Service Desk Server block, a Formula block is used to set the service time based on the value of PartType using the following expression: switch(PartType==1,5,PartType==2,10,15). Similar expressions are used at the Repair and Quality Control Server blocks so that the service time at each station is based on the value of PartType.

The Repair Shop model also provides an appropriately sized model for exploring the Simulation Studio linkage with the JMP routines for design of experiments. Details for defining factor and responses for the repair shop example and using JMP to generate a design are provided in Appendix C: Design of Experiments.