Connector Blocks

Often in a simulation model, blocks that are far apart in the model window need to be connected by a link. Creating a link between ports on these blocks usually results in a link that traverses over many other blocks and links. This can be visually distracting and potentially confusing when you interpret model functionality. You can remedy this problem by using the Connector block.

Links between Connector blocks are invisible by default; therefore, you can use Connector blocks to reduce visual link clutter. To show all inter-Connector links in the model, select NavigationShow Connector Links from the pop-up menu on either an individual block or a Model window. Selecting NavigationShow Connector Links again hides all inter-Connector links.

You can view a list of all input (or output) connections by right-clicking on the input (or output) port of a Connector block to open the Port Connections dialog box. If you click on a row in the Port Connections dialog box that represents a connection with another Connector block, then the link is displayed in the model. You can also remove links or change the order of the links in the Port Connections dialog box.

To create an inter-Connector link:

  1. Place a separate Connector block adjacent to each of the blocks in the model that you want to directly link.

  2. Create a link from the appropriate port on each block to the adjacent Connector block.

  3. Create a link between the two Connector blocks. When the link is created, it briefly flashes and then disappears.

As discussed in the following section, each block port has a type associated with it: either value (Number, String, and so on) or entity. When you create a Connector block, you are asked whether you want a value or entity Connector block. The ports on an entity-type Connector block are red, and the ports on a value-type Connector block are blue. Links between entity-type Connector blocks are displayed red when they are visible, and links between value-type Connector blocks are displayed blue when they are visible.