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Examining Correlations

Creating the Analysis

The GPA data set contains information collected to determine which applicants at a university were likely to succeed in its computer science program. The variable GPA is the grade point average; HSM, HSS, and HSE are average high school grades in mathematics, science, and English; and SATM and SATV are scores on the mathematics and verbal portion of the SAT exam (Moore and McCabe 1989).

Follow these steps to create a correlation analysis of the GPA data.

Open the GPA data set.

cor02.gif (10326 bytes)

Figure 18.2: GPA Data

Choose Analyze:Multivariate ( Y's ).

Figure 18.3: Analyze Menu

Select GPA, HSM, HSS, HSE, SATM, and SATV. Then click the Y button to assign these variables the Y role.

Your variables dialog should now appear, as shown in Figure 18.4.

cor04.gif (8841 bytes)

Figure 18.4: Multivariate Variables Dialog

Click OK to create the multivariate window.

By default, the multivariate window contains tables of Univariate Statistics and the Correlation Matrix.

cor05.gif (14197 bytes)

Figure 18.5: Multivariate Window

Correlation Matrix

Confidence Ellipses

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