Shared Data
proc authlib library=secdemo; create securedfolder='/System/Secured Libraries/Demo Folder' securedlibrary='Demo Library' pw=secret; run;
Secured Libraries
folder. One way
to do this is to explicitly deny all permissions to the PUBLIC group
and explicitly grant all permissions to the SAS Administrators group.
These protections flow throughout the Secured Libraries branch, except
where modified by additional direct access controls.
Explicit Grants1
1For conciseness, this example uses individual explicit controls (instead of ACTs) and provides only Read access (the Select permission). These settings don’t allow members of GroupA and GroupB to update or delete data. |
the metadata location for the first two libraries, and FolderB
the metadata location for the last two libraries.
proc authlib; create library=liba1 securedfolder='FolderA' securedlibrary='LibraryA1' pw=secret; create library=liba2 securedfolder='FolderA' securedlibrary='LibraryA2' pw=secret; create library=libb1 securedfolder='FolderB' securedlibrary='LibraryB1' pw=secret2; create library=libb2 securedfolder='FolderB' securedlibrary='LibraryB2' pw=secret2; run;
options metauser="sasadm@saspw" metapass="********" metaserver=""; libname cust 'path'; proc authlib library=cust; create securedlibrary='cust' securedfolder='CustomerData' pw=secret; quit; proc sql; create view cust.PUBLIC as select Name, Phone from PRIVATE(pw=secret); quit;
proc sql; create view hr.personal as select a.* from hr.empinfo(pw=secret) a, b where b.loginid ne '' and a.empid = b.empid; quit;