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The SCL Debugger


Restarts execution of a suspended program
Abbreviation: J

See Also


JUMP line-num


is the number of a program line at which to restart the suspended program. The specified line must contain at least one executable SCL statement.


The JUMP command restarts program execution at the executable statement in the specified line. It is different from the GO command because none of the statements between the suspended statement and the specified line are executed. With this capability, the JUMP command enables you to skip execution of some code that causes incorrect results or program failure.

The JUMP command can restart only the current source entry. The values of all variables are the same as the values at the original suspending point.

Although the JUMP command can jump to any statement in the current source, if the target statement resides in a different section of code, then the first RETURN statement encountered in the section that contains the target statement is treated as the RETURN statement from the section where the JUMP command was executed.

For example, suppose you were in the TERM section and you issued a JUMP command to jump to a statement in the MAIN section. When the program resumes execution, the first RETURN statement that it encounters in the MAIN section terminates the program (as the RETURN statement does in the TERM section) instead of redisplaying the screen.

Note:   Using the JUMP command to jump to a statement that is inside a DO loop may produce an illogical result.  [cautionend]


The following example illustrates the use of the JUMP command:

DEBUG> j 5

The output to the debugger MESSAGE window is

Stop at line 5 in MYLIB.MYCAT.TEST2.SCL

See Also



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