SAS Component Language Dictionary |
Category: | List |
Syntax |
sysrc=FILLIST(type,source,list-id<,attr-list-id<,desc-var-name>>); |
contains the return code for the operation:
0 | |
0 |
specifies the type of file or data source named in source and one or more options to use:
specifies that source names a fileref that has been assigned to an external file.
specifies the numbers for icons that are provided with SAS software. (When you specify SASICONS, source is ignored. Specify a null argument '' for source.)
specifies catalog names in the current search path (source is ignored). Use the SEARCH function to define the search path, or specify '' for source.
is a catalog entry (specified as libref.catalog.entry.type), an external file, or a fileref.
contains the identifier of the list to fill. An invalid list-id produces an error condition.
contains the identifier of the list to fill with text attribute source information when type is CATALOG and the entry type is LOG, OUTPUT, or SOURCE. An invalid attr-list-id produces an error condition.
is the name of the variable in which you want to store the text of the catalog entry description. This argument is ignored if type is FILE or FILEREF.
Note: This parameter is an update parameter. See Input, Output, and Update Parameters for more information.
Type Options |
adds default host carriage-control characters. Used with type FILE, FILEREF, and CATALOG and with catalog entry types LOG, OUTPUT, and SOURCE.
designates an external file as a PRINT file (uses the host carriage-control characters). Used with type FILE and FILEREF.
removes carriage-control characters. Used with type FILE, FILEREF, and CATALOG and with catalog entry types LOG, OUTPUT, and SOURCE.
trims trailing blanks. Used with type FILE, FILEREF and CATALOG and with catalog entry types LOG, OUTPUT, and SOURCE. TRIM is used if you want to use FILLIST to fill a list with items that contain trailing blanks and then remove the blanks so that they will not be displayed in a pop-up menu that is produced by POPMENU.
Details |
Each line of text in the source file is placed in a separate character item of the list identified by list-id. The number of items in the filled list is determined by the number of lines of text. All SCL lists must be created with MAKELIST before you call FILLIST. FILLIST automatically clears the lists before it fills the lists.
Data from the external file or catalog entry cannot exceed the maximum length of a character value in an SCL list item, which is 32,766 characters.
If type is FILE, then source is the name of an external file. If type is FILEREF, then source is a SAS fileref. FILLIST reads each record of the file into a separate character item.
If type is CATALOG and the catalog entry type in source is SLIST, then the types of the items in the filled list are determined by the saved list, and they may be character strings, numbers, or other lists. All item attributes and names are duplicated, as are the list attributes. However, the list identifier numbers are different.
If type is CATALOG and the catalog entry type in source is LIST, FILLIST reads the contents of a SAS/AF LIST entry into list-id. The list contains either all numeric or all character items, depending on the contents of the LIST entry. The attribute list contains the following named values, which are all character type:
reports whether the LIST entry has the CAPS attribute. Y or N.
reports whether the LIST entry has the SORT attribute. Y or N.
reports whether the LIST entry has the CASE-INSENSITIVE attribute. Y or N.
is the TYPE attribute that was specified in the LIST entry. N for numeric, C for character.
is the JUST attribute that was specified in the LIST entry. L, R, C, or N for left, right, center, or none.
If type is CATALOG and the entry type is OUTPUT, LOG, or SOURCE, the first character in each list item contains a FORTRAN carriage-control character: 1 means that a new page starts with this line. See STRIPCC above. ADDCC converts all carriage-control characters to ' ' (blank).
If type is CATALOG and the entry type is OUTPUT, LOG, or SOURCE, then any text attributes (such as color and display attributes), are read one element per line into attr-list-id, if it is specified. These attributes consist of a character item for each line of text. Each character item contains one character for each character in the line, plus a prefix descriptor character. The prefix character is T for a title line, H for a header line, or D for a data line. The other characters represent the text display attributes and color, as described in the tables below.
Do not confuse text attributes (color, display, and so on) with list attributes that are specified with SETLATTR.
The attribute list that is filled by FILLIST contains one item for each line of text from the SAS catalog entry. The attribute string for each line has one character for each character of text. Each attribute character represents the SAS windowing environment color and display attribute. Not all display devices support all colors.
Color attributes are represented as follows:
Color | Value | Color | Value |
BLUE | '10'x | WHITE | '70'x |
RED | '20'x | ORANGE | '80'x |
PINK | '30'x | BLACK | '90'x |
GREEN | '40'x | MAGENTA | 'A0'x |
CYAN | '50'x | GRAY | 'B0'x |
YELLOW | '60'x | BROWN | 'C0'x |
Display attributes are represented as follows:
Attribute | Value |
NONE | '00'x |
HIGHLIGHT | '01'x |
UNDERLINE | '02'x |
BLINK | '04'x |
REVERSE | '08'x |
You combine the color and display attributes by adding them together. For example, you can specify GREEN UNDERLINE by adding '40'x to '02'x to yield '42'x. To assign GREEN UNDERLINE to the first 4 characters of a string, you could use a statement like:
str = '42424242'x;
See also STRATTR, which creates attribute strings.
You can use GETITEMC or POPC to retrieve an item from this list.
An error condition is produced if
either list has the NOUPDATE, NUMONLY, or FIXEDLENGTH attribute
any item in either list cannot be removed because it has the NODELETE attribute.
Examples |
Suppose you have an OUTPUT entry named FINANCE.REPORTS.MONTHLY.OUTPUT that contains the text "Net:($45,034)" on line 45. The text Net: is white with no highlight attributes, whereas the text ($45,034) is red reverse. The following statements read the text and attributes and print line 45.
INIT: text_list=makelist(); attr_list=makelist(); rc=fillist('CATALOG', 'FINANCE.REPORTS.MONTHLY.OUTPUT', text_list,attr_list); text=substr(getitemc(text_list,45),2); attr=substr(getitemc(attr_list,45),2); len=compress(put(2*length(text), 4.)); attrhex=putc(attr,'$HEX'||len||'.'); put attr; put text; put attrhex; return;
Note: SUBSTR removes the carriage-control characters.
This example produces the following output:
ppppp((((((((( Net: ($45,034) 7070707070282828282828282828
The line of text consists of five white characters with no attributes, represented by the attribute value '70'x, followed by nine red reverse characters, represented by '28'x.
The following statements perform an operation similar to a recursive list copy:
rc=savelist('CATALOG','WORK.TEMP.MYLIST.SLIST', mylist); new_list=makelist(); rc=fillist('CATALOG','WORK.TEMP.MYLIST.SLIST', new_list); rc=delete('WORK.TEMP.TEMP.SLIST','CATALOG');
Lists that are saved in a permanent catalog with SAVELIST can persist across SAS sessions.
Consider two LIST entries: SASUSER.DATA.A.LIST, which contains some character data, and SASUSER.DATA.DATES.LIST, which contains formatted numeric data. The following program reads the data and attributes from these entries and uses PUTLIST to print the results.
INIT: items=makelist(); attrs=makelist(); rc=fillist('catalog','', items,attrs); call putlist(items,'A.LIST contents:',0); call putlist(attrs,'A.LIST attributes:',0); rc=fillist('catalog','', items,attrs); call putlist(items,'DATES.LIST contents:',0); call putlist(attrs,'DATES.LIST attributes:',0); rc=dellist(items); rc=dellist(attrs); return;
The output for these entries may look like this:
A.LIST contents:('THIS ' 'IS ' 'A ' 'LIST ' 'ENTRY ' 'WITH ' 'EIGHT ' 'ITEMS ' )[5] A.LIST attributes:(INFORMAT='' FORMAT='' MESSAGE='' CAPS='Y' SORTED='N' NOHONORCASE='Y' TYPE='C' JUST='L' )[7] DATES.LIST contents:(1765 11162 11813 12072 )[5] DATES.LIST attributes:(INFORMAT='DATE.' FORMAT='DATE.' MESSAGE='' CAPS='Y' SORTED='Y' NOHONORCASE='N' TYPE='N' JUST='L' )[7]
Note: [5] and [7] are the list identifiers that were assigned when this example was run and may be different each time the example is run.
See Also |
Copyright © 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.