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SAS Component Language Dictionary


Specifies the contents of one line in the LEGEND window
Category: Legend

See Also


CALL PUTLEGEND(line,text<,color<,attribute>>);


is the number for the line on which to display the text. If this value is larger than the MAXROW returned from the WINFO function, the line number is ignored.

Type: Numeric


is the text to display on one line of the LEGEND window. Once you specify text for a legend line, that text is redisplayed each time the LEGEND routine is called. To delete the text for a line, you can specify either new text or a null string ('' ) for that line number.

Type: Character


is a color name, or '' for the default color. Colors are BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, CYAN, GRAY, GREEN, MAGENTA, ORANGE, PINK, RED, WHITE, and YELLOW. SASCOLOR window elements can also be used for color.

The default color is the SASCOLOR window element "Informational Text."

Type: Character


is a display attribute, or '' for the default attribute. Attributes are: NONE, BLINKING, HIGHLIGHT, HIREV, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. If you specify a SASCOLOR window element for color, then attribute is ignored, because the SASCOLOR window element contains a display attribute.

The default attribute is the SASCOLOR window element "Informational Text."

Type: Character


Use multiple PUTLEGEND routines to display multiple lines. The default legend window size allows four lines of text. You can change the LEGEND window size by using WREGION. To display the legend window, use LEGEND.

For an example that includes PUTLEGEND as well as other functions that manipulate a legend window, see LEGEND.

See Also





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