Each INTERVALS statement can create an output data set specified with the OUTINTERVALS= option. The OUTINTERVALS= data set contains statistical intervals and related parameters.

The number of observations in the OUTINTERVALS= data set depends on the number of variables analyzed, the number of tests specified, and the results of the tests. The OUTINTERVALS= data set is constructed as follows:

  • The OUTINTERVALS= data set contains a group of observations for each variable analyzed.

  • Each group contains one or more observations for each interval you specify with the METHODS= option. The actual number depends upon the number of combinations of the ALPHA=, K=, and P= values.

The following variables are saved in the OUTINTERVALS= data set:




value of associated with the intervals


value of K= for the prediction intervals


lower endpoint of interval


interval index (1–6)


value of P= for the tolerance intervals


type of interval (ONESIDED or TWOSIDED)


upper endpoint of interval


variable name

If you use a BY statement, the BY variables are also saved in the OUTINTERVALS= data set.