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SAS/QC Graphics

Legacy Line Printer Displays

The following SAS/QC procedures support line printer charts:






Beginning with SAS 7, these procedures produce traditional graphics by default, and you must specify the LINEPRINTER option in the PROC statement to create line printer charts, as illustrated by the following statements.

title 'Process Capability Analysis of Plating Thickness';
proc capability data=Trans noprint lineprinter;
   spec lsl=3.45 usl=3.55;
   histogram Thickness;

The resulting histogram is shown in Figure 3.14.

Figure 3.14 Legacy Line Printer Display
Process Capability Analysis of Plating Thickness

          25 +               L                             U         |          
             |               L  -------     -------        U         |          
             |               L  |     |     |     |        U         |          
          20 +               L  |     |     |     |        U         |          
             |               L  |     |-----|     |        U         |          
        P    |               L  |     |     |     |        U         |          
        e 15 +               L  |     |     |     |------  U         |          
        r    |               L  |     |     |     |     |  U         |          
        c    |               L  |     |     |     |     |  U         |          
        e 10 +               L  |     |     |     |     |  U         |          
        n    |            ------|     |     |     |     |  U         |          
        t    |            |  L  |     |     |     |     |  U         |          
           5 +            |  L  |     |     |     |     |  U         |          
             |      ------|  L  |     |     |     |     |------------|          
             |      |     |  L  |     |     |     |     |  U  |     ||          
           0 +      |     |  L  |     |     |     |     |  U  |     ||          
               3.41  3.43  3.45  3.47  3.49  3.51  3.53  3.55  3.57             
                             Plating Thickness (mils)                           
        Specifications:   LLL Lower = 3.45    UUU Upper = 3.55                  

In SAS/QC, some charts and plots are not supported with the LINEPRINTER option. For example, line printer displays are not available with the HBAR statement in the PARETO procedure.

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