The HPIMPUTE Procedure


  • PROC HPIMPUTE <options>;

The PROC HPIMPUTE statement invokes the procedure. You can specify one or both of the following options:


names the SAS data set for which PROC HPIMPUTE is to impute values. The default is the most recently created data set. If the data are already distributed, PROC HPIMPUTE reads the data alongside the distributed database. For information about the various execution modes and about the alongside-the-database model, see the sections Processing Modes and Alongside-the-Database Execution in ChapterĀ 2: Shared Concepts and Topics. WHERE processing is supported.


names the SAS data set to which PROC HPIMPUTE writes the data along with ID variables (if applicable), imputation indicator variables (0 for not imputed or 1 for imputed), and imputed variables. There is no default output data set.