Understanding Job and Node Settings


You can use the Settings tab for jobs and nodes to specify identification, lock status, error handling, and processing settings. Typically, you should be able to manipulate orchestration jobs and nodes using the Settings tab.

Understanding Job Settings

The Settings tab for a sample job is shown in the following display:
Job Settings Tab
Job Settings Tab
The Identification section enables you to review and modify the name, version, location, and a description of the job. The Lock Status section shows when the job was locked and who locked it.
Note: Job names should not contain asterisks, or the job might fail to run.
The settings in the Options section are covered in the following table:
Job Node Errors Handling: This setting configures what to do when the job has a node that ends in an error.
Node Errors
Use the server's default (Abort the job run)
When this option is selected, the node follows the current default server setting. This setting, abort the job run, ends the job with an error if this node ends in an error.
Node Errors
Abort the job run
End in an error when any node ends in an error.
Node Errors
Continue running the job
Log the status of the node and continue running. The job completes successfully.
Node Errors
Only abort the flow that had the error
If there are multiple parallel flows, only the flow that contained the error ends. Other nodes continue to run in other flows.
Job Source Binding Errors Handling: Source bindings tie an input of a node to the output of some other node or job variable at run time. When the job runs, the node input gets the value of the output that it is bound to. Sometimes a binding can fail when the job runs (for example, if a node fails before it can complete to produce an output). You can capture this error and decide how to handle it with this setting.
Source binding failures
Use the server's default (Signal a node error)
When this option is selected, the node follows the current default server setting. This setting is signal a node error, which ends the node with an error when a source binding failure is detected.
Source binding failures
Signal a node error
When this option is selected, any node that has a source binding error ends with an error. Note that the node errors setting determines how the job handles any node errors.
Source binding failures
Use the node’s default input value
When you configure a source binding, you have the option of also setting a default value for the binding. Use this option if you want to use the default value if the source binding fails.

Understanding Node Settings

The Identification section enables you to review and modify the name and a description of the job.
The Settings tab for a node in a sample job is shown in the following display:
Node Settings Tab
Node Settings Tab
The settings in the Options section are covered in the following table:
Exclude node from run
not applicable
When selected, specifies that the selected node is not included when the job is run.
Node Errors Handling: This setting configures what to do when a node ends in an error.
Node errors
Use the job’s setting
When this option is selected, the node follows whatever the setting is for the job.
Node errors
Abort the job run
End the job with an error if this node ends in an error.
Node errors
Continue running the job
Log the status of this node and continue running. The job completes successfully.
Node errors
Only abort the flow that had the error
For multiple parallel flows, only the flow that contains the node with an error ends. Other parallel flows continue to run.
Node Source Binding Errors Handling: Source bindings tie an input of a node to the output of some other node or job variable at run time. When the job runs, the node input gets the value of the output that it is bound to. Sometimes a binding can fail when the job runs (for example, if a node fails before it can complete to produce an output). You can capture this error and decide how to handle it with this setting.
Source binding failures
Use the job’s setting
When this option is selected, the node follows whatever the setting is for the job.
Source binding failures
Signal a node error
When this option is selected, if there is a source binding error the node ends with an error.
Source binding failures
Use the node’s default input value
When you configure a source binding, you have the option of also setting a default value for the binding. Use this option if you want to use the default value if the source binding fails.
Process Handling: This is an advanced setting. For most cases, you should not have to change this setting. Nodes can run in the same process as the job is running in (in process) or in a separate process from the job (out of process). Each node has a preferred default for this setting. Typically, control nodes such as expression or event nodes run in-process, and nodes that reference other objects such as other jobs run out-of-process. You can use this setting to change the nodes the preferred default. You might want to change this default might be if you want to run all nodes in the same process as the job to make it easier to see run logs. You also might want to control how many processes are running on the machine.
Run node in its default process
This is the preferred setting. This setting allows the node to run using its preferred default.
Run node in separate process (if possible)
The node attempts to run in a separate process as the job. Note that some nodes might not be able to run this way. Therefore, this setting might not have any impact on the node.
Run node in current process (if possible)
The node attempts to run in the same process as the job. Note that some nodes might not be able to run this way. Therefore, this setting might not have any impact on the node.