SAS Data Management Console Home Page


The SAS Data Management Console home page enables you to open installed applications, set preferences for these applications, and view information from these applications. The home page displays applications and features based on the roles and capabilities that are associated with your login. For more information about capabilities, see Role-Based Access to Features.
The home page is shown in the following display:
Console Home Page
Console Home Page
The File menu enables you to set preferences for SAS Data Management Console and any of its applications. For more information about setting preferences, see Preferences Window. The Help menu enables you to display user guides for any installed applications and to access various resources on The Log Off link at far right enables you to log off from the console and from all applications which you have accessed from the console.
One or more portlets can be displayed in the home page, such as The Data Roundtable portlet shown in the previous display. These portlets are registered on the SAS Metadata Server when SAS software is installed. You can use the Preferences window to manage how portlets are displayed on the home page.
The Apps section at far right lists installed applications or components. When SAS Visual Process Orchestration is installed, the Apps section will contain links to the SAS Folders tab and the New Orchestration Job window. For more information about the SAS Folders tab, see SAS Folders Tab. For more information about the New Orchestration Job window, see Creating an Orchestration Job.
If SAS Job Monitor is installed, then the Apps section contains a link to the Monitoring Center interface in SAS Environment Manager. A Monitoring Center portlet might be displayed on the home page. This portlet displays run-time statistics for monitored jobs, such as orchestration jobs from SAS Visual Process Orchestration. For more information, see Displaying Run-Time Statistics in SAS Job Monitor.
If links have been added as described in Adding Links to the SAS Data Management Console Home Page, then these links are displayed under a Links section on the home page.

Usage Notes for SAS Data Management Console

If the appropriate roles and capabilities are associated with your login, then you can access a number of applications from SAS Data Management Console. Some of these applications have their own logoff link. If you click the logoff link in one of those applications, then you are logged off from that application without logging off from the console. Any portlet or other component in the console that depends on the application from which you have logged out is left in an unstable state. In that case, log off from the console.
For example, suppose that you use SAS Data Management Console to access the SAS Job Monitor application (Monitoring Center interface) in SAS Environment Manager. The console has a Monitoring Center portlet that depends on SAS Job Monitor. If you log off from SAS Job Monitor, then the Monitoring Center portlet in the console will be left in an unstable state. In that case, click Log Off at upper right of the console.