Promoting Orchestration Jobs

Overview of Promoting Orchestration Jobs

You can use the promotion features in SAS Management Console to promote orchestration jobs between planned deployments of SAS software. For example, you might want to promote orchestration jobs from a metadata server on a test machine to a metadata server on a production machine. For more information, see the “Using the Promotion Tools” chapter in the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
Orchestration jobs generally are migrated like any other SAS object. The following usage notes are unique to orchestration jobs.

Usage Notes for Promoting Orchestration Jobs

The Include/Replace SAS Code File Option Is Valid Only When the Job Includes the SAS Program Node

The import and export wizards in SAS Management Console contain a Include/replace SAS Code file check box in the Options tab. This option is valid only when the SAS Analytical Process Orchestration job that you are processing contains a SAS Program node. Note that this Include/replace SAS Code file check box is also displayed when the SAS Analytical Process Orchestration job contains the following nodes:
  • Data Management Job
  • SAS Deployed Job
  • Orchestration Job
  • Data Management Profile
  • Data Management Service
You can select the Include/replace SAS Code file check box for the nodes listed. However, it has no effect when you run an import or export wizard for jobs that include these nodes.

You Must Select the Include/Replace SAS Code File Option to Import or Export a SAS Code File

You must select the Include/replace SAS Code file check box if you want to import or export a SAS code file. This check box is located in the Options tab in the import and export wizards in SAS Management Console. If you do not select this check box, the SAS code file is not processed in the import and export wizards.

Best Performance for Exporting or Importing SAS Visual Process Orchestration Jobs Requires an Unrestricted Administrator

For best performance when exporting or importing many SAS Visual Process Orchestration jobs, log on to SAS Management Console as an unrestricted administrator.

Review Input Parameters When a Promoted Job Includes the Real Time Service Transformation

When you promote a SAS Visual Analytics Process Orchestration job that contains a Real Time Service transformation, review the input parameters. You should ensure that the input parameters of the real-time service that was selected are the only input parameters of the imported orchestration job that reference the real-time service. If there are remaining input parameters left over from the previously exported real-time service that were not selected or mapped during the import wizard, then you need to delete them. If these input parameters are not deleted, the following error will occur during the run of the job:
Code: SOAP-ENV Client Error: Failed To Set Service Input