Working with the Command Execute Node

Overview of the Command Execute Node

You can add a Command Execute node to a Flow tab in an orchestration job to run a command when a job or node is running. The command can run a system executable, any other executable, or a batch or shell file. You must provide the full path to the executable or a valid macro and any arguments for the command. Arguments can be supplied by either an input table or a delimited string. If a table is found, then it will be used. If there is no table, then the node will look for an input string.

Inputs and Outputs to the Command Execute Node

The Command Execute node can take the inputs listed in the following table:
Inputs and Outputs to the Command Execute Node
The command arguments in delimited string format. Each argument is delimited by a "|". There is a maximum of 100 arguments.
The command to execute
The standard error redirection file
The standard output redirection file
Outputs: None
No unique outputs

Using the Command Execute Node

Create an orchestration job and add the Command Execute node to the Flow tab.
The job is shown in the following display:
Command Execute Job Flow
Command Execute Job Flow
Then, you can select the Command Execute node and open its properties. Click Command and enter the commands that you need to run.
The commands for a sample job are shown in the following display:
Command Values
Command Values
Note that this job incorporates multiple input parameters, which are entered in the Arguments field. After the job completes successfully, you should validate that the commands executed. For example, the following content should be present in the output of the sample job:
  • two Echo folders (Echo and EchoM3) are created in \\server\PO_Output\CommandExecute\targets\win64\
  • the text "Hello World!!!" is written out to the EchoSingle.txt file that is created in: \\server\PO_Output\CommandExecute\targets\win64\Echo\EchoM3\EchoM3.txt