The NETDRAW Procedure

Example 9.1 Line-Printer Network Diagram

This example uses the data set WIDGET that was used in Example 4.2 in Chapter 4: The CPM Procedure, to illustrate the Activity-on-Node representation of the project. The following program invokes PROC NETDRAW twice. First, the activity data set WIDGET is used as input to the procedure. The activity and successor information is identified using the ACTIVITY= and SUCCESSOR= options in the ACTNET statement. The LINEPRINTER option is specified, producing the line-printer network diagram shown in Output 9.1.1.

data widget;
   format task $12. succ1-succ3 $12.;
   input task & days succ1 & succ2 & succ3 & ;
Approve Plan   5  Drawings      Study Market  Write Specs
Drawings      10  Prototype     .             .
Study Market   5  Mkt. Strat.   .             .
Write Specs    5  Prototype     .             .
Prototype     15  Materials     Facility      .
Mkt. Strat.   10  Test Market   Marketing     .
Materials     10  Init. Prod.   .             .
Facility      10  Init. Prod.   .             .
Init. Prod.   10  Test Market   Marketing     Evaluate
Evaluate      10  Changes       .             .
Test Market   15  Changes       .             .
Changes        5  Production    .             .
Production     0  .             .             .
Marketing      0  .             .             .
title 'Widget Manufacture';
options ps=32 ls=78;
proc netdraw data=widget lineprinter;
   actnet / activity=task successor=(succ1 succ2 succ3);

Output 9.1.1: Line-Printer Network Diagram

Widget Manufacture

                   --------------                        --------------       
                -->|Drawings    |---                  -->|Materials   |---    
                |  --------------  |                  |  --------------  |    
                |                  |                  |                  |    
                |                  |                  |                  |    
                |                  |                  |------------------+--  
                |                  |                  |                  |    
                |                  |                  |                  |    
--------------  |  --------------  |  --------------  |  --------------  |    
|Approve Plan|--+->|Write Specs |---->|Prototype   |--+->|Facility    |---->  
--------------  |  --------------     --------------  |  --------------       
                |                                     |                       
                |                                     |                       
                |                                     |                       
                |                                     |                       
                |                                     |                       
                |  --------------     --------------  |                       
                -->|Study Market|---->|Mkt. Strat. |------------------------  
                   --------------     --------------                          

Widget Manufacture

                -->|Test Market |---                                          
                |  --------------  |                                          
                |                  |                                          
                |                  |                                          
----------------|                  |                                          
                |                  |                                          
                |                  |                                          
--------------  |  --------------  |  --------------     --------------       
|Init. Prod. |--+->|Evaluate    |---->|Changes     |---->|Production  |       
--------------  |  --------------     --------------     --------------       
                |  --------------                                             
------------------>|Marketing   |                                             

Next, PROC CPM is invoked to schedule the project, and the resulting Schedule data set is used as input to the NETDRAW procedure. In addition to the ACTIVITY= and SUCCESSOR= options, the DURATION= option is used in the ACTNET statement. The DURATION= option adds the values of the DURATION variable within each node of the network. The procedure also displays the values of the E_START, E_FINISH, L_START, L_FINISH, T_FLOAT, and F_FLOAT variables within each node. The network is displayed in Output 9.1.2.

proc cpm data=widget out=sched
   activity task;
   successor succ1 succ2 succ3;
   duration days;

options ps=45 ls=90;
title2 'Schedule Information';
proc netdraw data=sched lineprinter;
   actnet / activity=task
            successor=(succ1 succ2 succ3)
            duration = days;

Output 9.1.2: Project Schedule

Widget Manufacture
Schedule Information

                              |Drawings         Dur:10|                                   
                           -->|ES:06DEC03   EF:15DEC03|---                             -->
                           |  |LS:06DEC03   LF:15DEC03|  |                             |  
                           |  |TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |                             |  
                           |  -------------------------  |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |--
                           |                             |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
-------------------------  |  -------------------------  |  -------------------------  |  
|Approve Plan     Dur: 5|  |  |Write Specs      Dur: 5|  |  |Prototype        Dur:15|  |  
|ES:01DEC03   EF:05DEC03|--+->|ES:06DEC03   EF:10DEC03|---->|ES:16DEC03   EF:30DEC03|--+->
|LS:01DEC03   LF:05DEC03|  |  |LS:11DEC03   LF:15DEC03|     |LS:16DEC03   LF:30DEC03|  |  
|TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |  |TF: 5        FF: 5     |     |TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |  
-------------------------  |  -------------------------     -------------------------  |  
                           |                                                           |  
                           |                                                           |  
                           |                                                           |  
                           |                                                           |  
                           |                                                           |  
                           |  -------------------------     -------------------------  |  
                           |  |Study Market     Dur: 5|     |Mkt. Strat.      Dur:10|  |  
                           -->|ES:06DEC03   EF:10DEC03|---->|ES:11DEC03   EF:20DEC03|-----
                              |LS:05JAN04   LF:09JAN04|     |LS:10JAN04   LF:19JAN04|     
                              |TF:30        FF: 0     |     |TF:30        FF:30     |     
                              -------------------------     -------------------------     

Widget Manufacture
Schedule Information

-------------------------                                   -------------------------     
|Materials        Dur:10|                                   |Test Market      Dur:15|     
|ES:31DEC03   EF:09JAN04|---                             -->|ES:20JAN04   EF:03FEB04|---  
|LS:31DEC03   LF:09JAN04|  |                             |  |LS:20JAN04   LF:03FEB04|  |  
|TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |                             |  |TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |  
-------------------------  |                             |  -------------------------  |  
                           |                             |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
---------------------------+-----------------------------|                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
                           |                             |                             |  
-------------------------  |  -------------------------  |  -------------------------  |  
|Facility         Dur:10|  |  |Init. Prod.      Dur:10|  |  |Evaluate         Dur:10|  |  
|ES:31DEC03   EF:09JAN04|---->|ES:10JAN04   EF:19JAN04|--+->|ES:20JAN04   EF:29JAN04|---->
|LS:31DEC03   LF:09JAN04|     |LS:10JAN04   LF:19JAN04|  |  |LS:25JAN04   LF:03FEB04|     
|TF: 0        FF: 0     |     |TF: 0        FF: 0     |  |  |TF: 5        FF: 5     |     
-------------------------     -------------------------  |  -------------------------     
                                                         |  -------------------------     
                                                         |  |Marketing        Dur: 0|     
----------------------------------------------------------->|ES:20JAN04   EF:20JAN04|     
                                                            |LS:09FEB04   LF:09FEB04|     
                                                            |TF:20        FF:20     |     

Widget Manufacture
Schedule Information

-------------------------     -------------------------                                   
|Changes          Dur: 5|     |Production       Dur: 0|                                   
|ES:04FEB04   EF:08FEB04|---->|ES:09FEB04   EF:09FEB04|                                   
|LS:04FEB04   LF:08FEB04|     |LS:09FEB04   LF:09FEB04|                                   
|TF: 0        FF: 0     |     |TF: 0        FF: 0     |                                   
-------------------------     -------------------------