This example demonstrates the use of PROC NETDRAW for a nonstandard application. The procedure is used to draw a time table for a class of students. The days of the week are treated as different zones, and the times within a day are treated as different values of an alignment variable. The following DATA step defines a total of twenty activities, 'm1', ...,'f5', which refer to the five different periods for the five different days of the week. The variable class contains the name of the subject taught in the corresponding period and day. Note that the periods are taught during the hours 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6; the fourth hour is set aside for lunch. The time axis is labeled with the format CLASSTIM, which is defined using PROC FORMAT. The USEFORMAT option in the ACTNET statement instructs PROC NETDRAW to use the explicit format specified for the time variable rather than the default format.
This example also illustrates the use of the Annotate facility with PROC NETDRAW. The data set ANNO labels the fourth period 'LUNCH.' The positions for the text are specified using data coordinates that refer to the (_X_, _Y_) grid used by PROC NETDRAW. Thus, for example X = '4' identifies the coordinate for the annotated text to be the fourth period, and the
coordinates are set appropriately. The resulting time table is shown in Output 9.16.1.
/* Define format for the ALIGN= variable */ proc format; value classtim 1 = ' 9:00 - 10:00' 2 = '10:00 - 11:00' 3 = '11:00 - 12:00' 4 = '12:00 - 1:00 ' 5 = ' 1:00 - 2:00 ' 6 = ' 2:00 - 3:00 '; run;
data schedule; format day $9. class $12. ; input day $ class & time daytime $ msucc $; format time classtim.; label day = "Day \ Time"; datalines; Monday Mathematics 1 m1 . Monday Language 2 m2 . Monday Soc. Studies 3 m3 . Monday Art 5 m4 . Monday Science 6 m5 . Tuesday Language 1 t1 . Tuesday Mathematics 2 t2 . Tuesday Science 3 t3 . Tuesday Music 5 t4 . Tuesday Soc. Studies 6 t5 . Wednesday Mathematics 1 w1 . Wednesday Language 2 w2 . Wednesday Soc. Studies 3 w3 . Wednesday Phys. Ed. 5 w4 . Wednesday Science 6 w5 . Thursday Language 1 th1 . Thursday Mathematics 2 th2 . Thursday Science 3 th3 . Thursday Phys. Ed. 5 th4 . Thursday Soc. Studies 6 th5 . Friday Mathematics 1 f1 . Friday Language 2 f2 . Friday Soc. Studies 3 f3 . Friday Library 5 f4 . Friday Science 6 f5 . ;
data anno; /* Set up required variable lengths, etc. */ length function color style $8; length xsys ysys hsys $1; length when position $1; xsys = '2'; ysys = '2'; hsys = '4'; when = 'a'; function = 'label '; x = 4; size = 2; position = '5'; y=5; TEXT='L'; output; y=4; TEXT='U'; output; y=3; TEXT='N'; output; y=2; TEXT='C'; output; y=1; TEXT='H'; output; run;
pattern1 v=s c=pink; title 'Class Schedule: 2003-2004'; footnote j=l h=2 ' Teacher: Mr. A. Smith Hall' j=r h=2 'Room: 107 '; proc netdraw graphics data=schedule anno=anno; actnet / act=daytime succ=msucc id=(class) nodefid nolabel zone=day align=time useformat linear pcompress coutline=black hmargin = 2 vmargin = 2 htext=2; run;