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The NETDRAW Procedure |
This example illustrates the use of the Annotate Facility to draw an Activity-on-Arc network. First, PROC NETDRAW is invoked with explicit node positions for the vertices of the network. The ALIGN= and ZONE= options are used to provide horizontal and vertical axes as a frame of reference. The resulting diagram is shown in Output 9.17.1.
data widgaoa; format task $12. ; input task & days tail head _x_ _y_; datalines; Approve Plan 5 1 2 1 2 Drawings 10 2 3 4 2 Anal. Market 5 2 4 4 2 Write Specs 5 2 3 4 2 Prototype 15 3 5 7 1 Mkt. Strat. 10 4 6 10 3 Materials 10 5 7 10 1 Facility 10 5 7 10 1 Init. Prod. 10 7 8 13 1 Evaluate 10 8 9 16 1 Test Market 15 6 9 18 2 Changes 5 9 10 20 1 Production 0 10 11 23 1 Marketing 0 6 12 19 2 Dummy 0 8 6 16 1 . . 11 . 26 1 . . 12 . 22 3 ;
pattern1 v=e c=red; title j=l ' Project: Widget Manufacture'; title2 j=l ' Network in Activity-on-Arc Format'; footnote j=r 'Initial Layout '; proc netdraw graphics data=widgaoa out=netout; actnet / act=tail succ=head id=(tail) align=_x_ zone=_y_ ybetween = 10 nodefid nolabel pcompress htext=2; label _y_=' Y \ X '; run;
data netin; set netout; if _from_=4 and _to_=6 and _seq_>0 then _x_=16.5; run; data anno1; set netout; if _seq_=0; /* Set up required variable lengths, etc. */ length function color style $8; length xsys ysys hsys $1; length when position $1; length TEXT $12; xsys = '2'; ysys = '2'; hsys = '4'; when = 'a'; function = 'label '; size = 2; position = '5'; TEXT = left(put(tail, f2.)); x=_x_; if _y_ = 1 then y=_y_-.3; else y=_y_+.5; run;
data anno2; /* Set up required variable lengths, etc. */ length function color style $8; length xsys ysys hsys $1; length when position $1; length TEXT $12; xsys = '2'; ysys = '2'; hsys = '4'; when = 'a'; function = 'label '; size = 2; position = '5'; x=2.5; y=1.8; TEXT='Approve Plan'; output; x=5.5; y=.8; TEXT='Drawings'; output; x=5.7; y=1.4; TEXT='Write Specs'; output; x=7; y=3.4; TEXT='Anal.Market'; output; x=8.5; y=.8; TEXT='Prototype'; output; x=11.5; y=1.4; TEXT='Facility'; output; x=11.5; y=.8; TEXT='Materials'; output; x=14.5; y=.9; TEXT='Init. Prod'; output; x=13.5; y=3.4; TEXT='Mkt. Strat.'; output; x=18; y=.8; TEXT='Evaluate'; output; x=21.5; y=.8; TEXT='Changes'; output; x=24.5; y=.8; TEXT='Production'; output; x=20; y=3.4; TEXT='Marketing'; output; position=6; x=16.6; y=1.5; TEXT='Dummy'; output; x=18.6; y=1.5; TEXT='Test Market'; output; ; data anno; set anno1 anno2; run;
footnote j=r 'Annotated and Modified Layout '; pattern1 v=s c=red; proc netdraw graphics data=netin anno=anno; actnet / nodefid nolabel boxwidth=1 pcompress novcenter vmargin=20 xbetween=10; run;
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