The Projman Application

Additional Information

This window is used to identify variables that contain additional activity information. For a description of standard import options, see the section "Standard Import Options".

imp_add.gif (8596 bytes)

Target Date

The Target Date variable should contain values that represent the date portion of an activity alignment constraint. For example, an activity must finish on or before a particular date. The type of alignment constraint is specified in the Target Type variable. The Target Date variable must be numeric.

Target Type

The Target Type variable should contain values that represent the type portion of an activity alignment constraint. For example, an activity must finish on or before a particular date. The date portion of the alignment constraint is specified in the Target Date variable. The target type values are required to follow the same naming convention as that used by the CPM procedure. For more information, see the "ALIGNTYPE Statement" section.

Min Seg. Duration

The Minimum Segment Duration variable should contain values that indicate the minimum duration of a single segment of an activity (when activity splitting is allowed). This variable must be numeric.

Max Num. Segments

The Maximum Number of Segments variable should contain values that indicate the maximum number of segments into which an activity can be split (when activity splitting is allowed). This variable must be numeric.

Activity Delay

The Activity Delay variable should contain values that indicate the maximum amount of time by which an activity can be delayed due to resource unavailability. This variable must be numeric.

Activity Priority

The Activity Priority variable should contain values that indicate the priority of an activity (lower values indicate higher priority). The activity priority can be used to order activities that are waiting for an unavailable resource. This variable must be numeric.

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