The NETDRAW Procedure

Functional Summary

The following tables outline the options available for the NETDRAW procedure classified by function. An alphabetical list of options is provided in the Dictionary of Options.

Table 7.1: Color Options
Description Statement Option
color of arcsACTNETCARCS=
color of time axisACTNETCAXIS=
fill color for critical nodesACTNETCCNODEFILL=
color of critical arcsACTNETCCRITARCS=
color of outline of critical nodesACTNETCCRITOUT=
fill color for nodesACTNETCNODEFILL=
color of outline of nodesACTNETCOUTLINE=
color of reference linesACTNETCREF=
color of reference break linesACTNETCREFBRK=
color of textACTNETCTEXT=

Table 7.2: Data Set Specifications
Description Statement Option
Annotate data setACTNETANNOTATE=
Annotate data setNETDRAWANNOTATE=
Activity data setNETDRAWDATA=
Network output data setNETDRAWOUT=

Table 7.3: Format Control Options
Description Statement Option
height of node in character cellsACTNETBOXHT=
width of node in character cellsACTNETBOXWIDTH=
duration variableACTNETDURATION=
ID variablesACTNETID=
suppress default ID variablesACTNETNODEFID
suppress ID variable labelsACTNETNOLABEL
upper limit on number of pagesACTNETPAGES=
indicate completed or in-progress activitiesACTNETSHOWSTATUS
horizontal distance between nodesACTNETXBETWEEN=
vertical distance between nodesACTNETYBETWEEN=

Table 7.4: Full-Screen Options
Description Statement Option
reference break line characterACTNETBRKCHAR=
characters for node outlines and connectionsACTNETFORMCHAR=
reference characterACTNETREFCHAR=

Table 7.5: Graphics Catalog Options
Description Statement Option
description for catalog entryACTNETDESCRIPTION=
name for catalog entryACTNETNAME=
name of graphics catalogNETDRAWGOUT=

Table 7.6: Graphics Display Options
Description Statement Option
length of arrowhead in character cellsACTNETARROWHEAD=
center each ID variable within nodeACTNETCENTERID
compress the diagram to a single pageACTNETCOMPRESS
text fontACTNETFONT=
text heightACTNETHEIGHT=
horizontal margin in character cellsACTNETHMARGIN=
number of horizontal pagesACTNETHPAGES=
reference line styleACTNETLREF=
reference break line styleACTNETLREFBRK=
width of lines used for critical arcsACTNETLWCRIT=
width of linesACTNETLWIDTH=
width of outline for nodesACTNETLWOUTLINE=
suppress filling of arrowheadsACTNETNOARROWFILL
suppress page numberACTNETNOPAGENUMBER
suppress vertical centeringACTNETNOVCENTER
number of nodes in horizontal directionACTNETNXNODES=
number of nodes in vertical directionACTNETNYNODES=
display page number at upper right cornerACTNETPAGENUMBER
pattern variableACTNETPATTERN=
proportionally compress the diagramACTNETPCOMPRESS
draw arcs with rectangular cornersACTNETRECTILINEAR
reverse the order of the y pagesACTNETREVERSEY
rotate the network diagramACTNETROTATE
rotate text within node by 90 degreesACTNETROTATETEXT
separate arcs along distinct tracksACTNETSEPARATEARCS
vertical margin in character cellsACTNETVMARGIN=
number of vertical pagesACTNETVPAGES=

Table 7.7: Layout Options
Description Statement Option
break cycles in cyclic networksACTNETBREAKCYCLE
use dynamic programming algorithm to route arcsACTNETDP
number of horizontal tracks between nodesACTNETHTRACKS=
route arc along potential node positionsACTNETNODETRACK
do not use dynamic programming algorithm to route arcsACTNETNONDP
block track along potential node positionsACTNETNONODETRACK
restrict scope of arc layout algorithmACTNETRESTRICTSEARCH
use spanning tree layoutACTNETSPANNINGTREE
draw network as a tree, if possibleACTNETTREE
number of vertical tracks between nodesACTNETVTRACKS=

Table 7.8: Line-Printer Options
Description Statement Option
reference break line characterACTNETBRKCHAR=
characters for node outlines and connectionsACTNETFORMCHAR=
reference characterACTNETREFCHAR=

Table 7.9: Mode Options
Description Statement Option
invoke full-screen versionNETDRAWFULLSCREEN
invoke graphics versionNETDRAWGRAPHICS
invoke line-printer versionNETDRAWLINEPRINTER
suppress display of diagramNETDRAWNODISPLAY

Table 7.10: Network Specifications
Description Statement Option
activity variableACTNETACTIVITY=
lag variablesACTNETLAG=
successor variablesACTNETSUCCESSOR=

Table 7.11: Time-Scale Options
Description Statement Option
align variableACTNETALIGN=
draw reference lines at every levelACTNETAUTOREF
frame network diagram and axisACTNETFRAME
draw all vertical levelsACTNETLINEAR
maximum number of empty columns between tick marksACTNETMAXNULLCOLUMN=
smallest interval per levelACTNETMININTERVAL=
number of levels per tick markACTNETNLEVELSPERCOLUMN=
suppress time axis on continuation pagesACTNETNOREPEATAXIS
omit the time axisACTNETNOTIMEAXIS
stop procedure if align value is missingACTNETQUITMISSINGALIGN
draw zigzag reference line at breaksACTNETREFBREAK
show all breaks in time axisACTNETSHOWBREAK
draw time-scaled diagramACTNETTIMESCALE
use format of variable and not defaultACTNETUSEFORMAT

Table 7.12: Tree Options
Description Statement Option
center each node with respect to subtreeACTNETCENTERSUBTREE
order of the children of each nodeACTNETCHILDORDER=
separate sons of a node for symmetryACTNETSEPARATESONS
use spanning tree layoutACTNETSPANNINGTREE
draw network as a tree, if possibleACTNETTREE

Table 7.13: Web Options
Description Statement Option
image map output data setNETDRAWIMAGEMAP=
web reference variableACTNETWEB=

Table 7.14: Zone Options
Description Statement Option
divide network into connected componentsACTNETAUTOZONE
suppress zone labelsACTNETNOZONELABEL
zone variableACTNETZONE=
set missing pattern values using zoneACTNETZONEPAT
leave extra space between zonesACTNETZONESPACE
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